Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Log - 7/24/2012

Training alone, late in the evening, on at most 1500 calories, after two days with less than 8 hours of sleep each. Funny the circumstances under which you can hit PRs without seriously aggravating week-old injuries.

Warmup - The usual. Removed the hamstring stretch (stretching at home) and started doing some active release-esque stuff on the lower IT band (see the IT Band Hell episode of MWOD).

Deadlift - 135, 185, 225, 275
315lbs - 5x5
Easy as shit.
Well, the last set may have had some slow moments, but still. It's funny that this style of programming seems to work insanely well for my deadlift, though I guess we'll have to monitor my meet performance before drawing any really strong conclusions. Still, 365 for 5x5 looks very doable and predicts an all-time deadlift PR (grip allowing).

Press - 45, 80
115lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (5F)
Probably could have had a full 5x5 but I got a bit carried away going into the 5th set and fucked it up. Still advancing.
Haven't decided if I'll do 117.5 or 120 next time. I'm guessing 117.5, given my past success with microloading.

Chins - 4, 4, 3, 2, 2
...I didn't do any of these throughout the rest of the workout. I'll start that up again on Thursday.

FG Rack Pull Holds:
5x10s - 100lbs
Just realized I was only supposed to do 2 of these. Oh dear.

5x5ea for 5ct

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