Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March Madness and Program Revisions

For the few basic notes -
The weight cut went well; I started at about 171 on Thursday, dropped down to 167 by Friday evening, and then shaved off to about 165 with two hot baths. My boiler isn't very good, and the shower can't serve very well as a steam room, so I'll be stuck with hot baths in future. It's an unpleasant experience but worth it for the advantage. I dropped a further 3-4 pounds in the car on the way there by blasting the heat at max.

The recomp was fairly interesting; lots of In-n-Out and some pastries and icecream, essentially. I'm going to do this differently in future, mostly with regards to the pastries; those were not a good decision.

For the meet itself -
Thanks to the abundance of women entering (including one from LA Crossfit who nearly beat my first total - girl was a beast), lightweight men went in the second flight. Unfortunately, this also meant that since the womens' flight was about as short as it could be without getting merged with the men's, starting my squat warmups halfway through their second attempts left me finishing at 275 for a single with very tired quads. The bar jumped off of my back (and based on Chad Smith's comments about his meet experience, I'm going to shoot for in training a lot more often) but I was hoping to warm up further. The first two squats were fairly easy (340 as an opener, then a 375 bodyweight PR); for the third I jumped straight to setting a state record (~413, previous record 407) but missed halfway up. This was close enough that I think the difference was environmental (to the extent that a single training partner shouting "head back," or louder music, or possibly just a willingness to yell would have made a difference) rather than physical.

My bench press sucks currently - even in competition I couldn't manage much more than I've put up in training, which suggests that I need to make some drastic changes. The ~190 opener went up fairly smoothly, but 215 was an incredible struggle (to the extent that when Coan called to rack it I was still a few degrees away from extension on my right elbow). I initially passed on my third but changed my mind and asked for 225 - I knew I was unlikely to get it but also knew that I'd feel worse for not trying.

The deadlifts were eye-opening in that my opener was tough, my second involved letting my back loose a bit, and my third (which I needed to get to total over 1000 and for which I pushed myself to homicidal levels of anger - Coan commented during cleanup that he thought I was going to kill him after I put it down) only avoided dangerous levels of back rounding because of the belt.

Programming-wise -
This competition made a few very important things very obvious:
1) My squat programming works, and if I continue at 165 for the fall my emphasis should be on maintenance more than progress. The next bench record is 275, and I'll need to build up my upper back strength as part of training for that; the next deadlift record is somewhere around 515, for which I'll need to focus on low back strength but generally build virtually everything else. Between those two I doubt I'll need to focus explicitly on building up my squat, especially to the extent that I have been recently.
2) Either my bench programming is terrible or my technique needs serious revision (in other words, my training max should not be that close to my competition max). I should be able to address the latter by taking a few trips up to Supertraining over the summer to work on form, but I'll have to make some serious programming revisions (see below).
3) My deadlift programming might be working technically (though I doubt it) but it's not addressing my main weak point and thus needs serious revision. I may also want to revise my technique, particularly given some things I heard from Rhino and his training partners.
4) I need to do a lot of work on building up my chins and rows.

Thoughts on the bench:
1) There is nothing wrong with taking a close grip. I noticed during the heavyweight bench attempts that virtually all of the strongest benchers at the meet (Bell, Lilly, Efferding, etc.) went no wider than middle finger on the rings for their raw attempts (and Mark didn't even go wider than that for his shirted attempt later on). These guys are all significantly wider than I am at the shoulder, so I can probably keep my grip in closer without issue.
2) Looking back, my bench seems to benefit from somewhat more volume on both the movement itself and on supplemental work. The more 5x5-type approach seems to drive it upwards very effectively. Strict overhead and floor pressing definitely seems to drive it well; dumbbell benching also may be it's harder to say there. Cycling out for different movements also helps.

Thoughts on the deadlift:
My low back is the weak link, somewhat followed by an inability to consistently mix lumbar extension with thoracic flexion. Barbell rows should help with this but I'm still not entirely sure what I should do to fix it, though suspended good mornings do come to mind. As far as I can tell, the only thing that's ever really worked to drive my deadlift up significantly is linear progression with the movement itself. My assumption here is that it works because the higher time under tension adds some volume to build up strength in my lower back, though I'm not entirely sure of that.
Brandon Lilly's ideas (not directed specifically at me) include deadlifts with a 5-second pause immediately after the bar breaks the floor and pulls from a slight (1-inch) deficit. Emevas's touch-and-go ROM progression stands out as an attractive option, as does a simple linear progression of deadlifting. SSB squatting also could be useful but isn't within my reach for the time being. Rack pulls could be useful but they're already covered on the ROM progression side.

Rambling overall ideas:
Have at least one day per week with the squat as a primary movement, and one with the front squat. These can be kept on the Bulgarian protocol, because that appears to be working very well for the time being. I may attempt to continue squatting maximally every day.
I think I'm going to experiment with reducing benching frequency and adding in more rotation movements. Maximal bench singles don't appear to be very useful, and the RSF seem to have gotten rid of the pads on the good benches so I may not be able to press for singles for a while regardless (I'm not comfortable pressing maximally on the others). My overall pressing frequency will probably also be reduced - I'm thinking 3 days per week, one benching, one pressing, and one floor pressing. These movements don't have to be first in the day.

I want to maintain the general Bulgarian squatting approach. However, I'm thinking that since my bench increased best during periods when I was doing 5x5 either as core as a supplement to max effort work I'll have two days focused on that to accumulate greater pressing volume. I think I will keep technical maxes in; apart from anything else, I found that the 5x5 supplemental work felt better after something somewhat heavier. That said, I'm not committed to the idea of doing maximal work - I have a feeling that my bench could use some speed emphasis, so I may wind up having some technical work around 90% of expected max prior to the pressing and floor pressing. I'll probably take the technical work up 5 pounds every two weeks or something to that effect. I'm not convinced of the wisdom of both pressing and floor pressing every week; previously I had a lot of luck just alternating them, but I don't have many alternatives besides deloading every fourth week. Alternatively, I could reduce or remove the bench technical work, keep the squatting at the start of that day, and rely on the fatigue from that to act as some additional warmup. I'm not very enthusiastic about that idea, though.

I'm thinking I'll start each week with the "Emevas Deadlift" (sans belt) and then pull some fairly heavy singles on Wednesdays. My idea here is to build back strength using the time under tension on Mondays and then hit some heavier singles on Wednesdays for form purposes. Since this is the deadlift we're probably talking about singles no heavier than what I'm squatting.

I do not have any idea how this is going to turn out.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Last Few Days

I completely trashed my original plan when I woke up on Tuesday feeling extremely lethargic. We're talking "lethargic as death" here - I could barely function until I'd eaten something like 3,000 calories of curry and icecream.

Decided to drop the weights directly to 60% and then slash the volume each day following that. The actual workouts themselves are sort of irrelevant since the whole thing was preplanned and the weights were to low for anything to go wrong. I spent a lot of time agonizing over depth and think I have it down fairly well at this point, though the meet will tell.

Main thing was yesterday with the Deadlift opener:

Warmup (with 1x3x75lbs lat pulldown as an extra)

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225 (x2)
3x 275 (maybe x2, can't remember)
1x 315 (x2)
0x 350, immediately followed by 1x350 sumo
Add belt
1x 365 sumo, shortly followed by 1x 365 conventional
I think we can safely conclude that my low back is the limiting factor here and that I need to do some more dedicated work on it. Not sure exactly how I'm going to approach that without making a lot of huge changes, though I doubt the "deadlifts as practice" approach is really going to hold up unless I just start wearing the belt for everything (which I may), and possibly not even then. Decisions...

Anyway, planned deads are still 350-385-420. Taking squat and bench on Wednesday.

Monday, March 11, 2013



Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x3), 335 (x2), 355 (x7)
Playing with depth. Cutting at roughly 1 inch past parallel actually does a lot to help me stay in position on the way up, though I still need to work on things.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 160
1x 185, 200 (x2), 210 (x3), 205 (x3), 200
Working on things here. I need to get to a serious powerlifting gym to work on this one.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225 (actually failed the 5th due to grip)
3x 275
1x 315 (x7)
Need to set up very close to the bar. This actually makes a huge difference (I think I noticed this last time I was getting over 400, actually) - my shins need to be basically touching the bar for things to really work when I round my upper back.

Meet Prep

The meet's two Sundays away, so it's time for a temporary program revision.

I took three days off for really terrible reasons, and don't plan to do that again (certainly not drinking to that level of excess again, though I've said that before so take with salt). I need to maintain 6/week in future.

Still, that does give a decent lead-in for recovery.

Starting point: 6 singles over 90% for squat and bench, average of 8 reps at 75% for deads
Looking at cutting a steady 40% of tonnage across some reasonable timeframe. Frequency doesn't drop.

Monday - Squat 10 at 355, Bench 10 at 210, Dead 10 at 315
Tuesday - Squat 7 at 315, Bench 7 at 190, Dead 7 at 285
Wednesday - Squat 5 at 285, Bench 5 at 170, Dead 5 at 255
Thursday - Squat 4 at 215, Bench 4 at 135, Dead 4 at 190
Friday - Deadlift Opener (350)
Saturday - Off

Sunday - Squat 3 at 315, Bench 3 at 190, Dead 3 at 285
Monday - Squat 3 at 285, Bench 3 at 170, Dead 3 at 255
Tuesday - Squat 3 at 215, Bench 3 at 135, Dead 3 at 190
Wednesday - Squat Opener (335), Bench Opener (195)
Thursday - Squat 2 at 285, Bench 2 at 170, Dead 2 at 255
Friday - Squat 2 at 215, Bench 2 at 135, Dead 2 at 190
Saturday - Off

Sunday - Meet

Thursday, March 7, 2013


This had an amusing start.

I maintain that that trainer is an asshole.

Warmup - extra rolling for time

Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x2), 335 (x4), 345 (x3, 4F)
Getting better at these. Not pushing for 355 until I've got this back consistently.
I actually thought to myself "I'm going to fail this one" when I unracked the 4th 345; I don't know if that was a real prediction or just me psyching myself out. It's very unusual either way - first time I've missed a squat since Thanksgiving '11.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 160
1x 185, 195 (x2), 205, 210
PR, yay.
Now that my shoulder's getting better (though the left is now getting worse, hilariously), I'm considering putting Press on Monday and Friday and doing 1-board on Wednesday, or...something. There's some emphasis on "considering" here both in terms of whether or not I'll do it and what "it" actually is.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225
1x 285 (x13)
These are getting a tad slower.

5, 5, 4 (5F)
What the shit.
Not getting the hips thing as consistently as I'd like (or I'm just getting better at the movement, but let's be realistic here - haven't done these consistently enough to get the same effect I'm seeing with pulldowns).

Curls -
3x10 with 17.5s

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Working on refining the technique.


Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185, 225, 275
3x 320, 295, 295
Need to work on this a lot.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 160

2-Board -
3x 185, 205
1x 225, 235, 225, 225
225 is a reasonable one now.
I may want to switch this out to triples on full-range bench, haven't decided.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225
1x 285 (x11)

Lat Activation Pulldown -
5x 65, 70, 70, 70
I have a suspicion that my reduced sensation on these is that 65 got too easy.
So, probably increasing 5lbs every week until I stop feeling like I'm not getting the recruitment right.

2 runs of Diesel #3


This was a good day, a late day, and a day partially marred by my refusal to start chatting up a fitstaff member who was almost certainly at least receptive to being chatted up. I need to work on those last two (particularly the lattermost, with the added note that in this case I had literally nothing to lose because I don't generally train late and likely will never see her again).

Oh well, squats.

Warmup - thigh rolling and then usual

Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x2), 335 (x2), 345 (x4), 355
It turns out that the secret to my squat is essentially "pretend you're doing high bar and sit straight the fuck down."
A few of the 345s were particularly funny because I'd feel my hips shooting up, pause in the middle of the rep, and adjust my position back to perfect. I imagine a few of the people watching found it very odd.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 160
1x 185 (x3), 195 (x2), 205 (x3)
Repeated the first two until they felt right. 205 was kinda back and forth, though I can't remember which ones were good and which not.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225
1x 285 (x9)
These were a lot faster. I'm taking a bit longer during the setup (really getting my feet set with knees slightly bent, grinding them into the floor, taking an extra second or so during setup to emphasize upper back rounding and low back neutral, then taking the tension out of the bar for a bit longer than previously to ensure it actually happens). I'm guessing it's either that or today's lower squat volume.

Need to go back to stretching my calves beforehand. Also need to get some massage work done on them.

Diesel #2 - 7.5lbs, mini, 2 runs at 12 reps. Need a mini really badly for the external rotations.

Monday, March 4, 2013


This was a damn good day.

Warmup (minimal rolling)

Front Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185
3x 245, 245, 245, 245, 235
Third reps were getting bad enough that I switched off. Working on maintaining good back position even when hitting really serious depth.
I have videos here but I don't know if I'll bother to upload them. In generally I may stop posting the videos until I'm hitting much higher numbers.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 160

1-Board -
3x 185, 185, 195, 200, 195
Getting better at this. My triceps are feeling it more, too.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225
1x 285 (x7)
Working on getting my upper back rounded properly.

Lat Pulldowns:
5x 65, 65, 65, 65
Working on speed here. Today I was tired from the deads so my recruitment didn't feel quite as good (or at least that's what I assume caused it).

Diesel Rehab 1


Then a single with 315 on deads so I'd feel better about Susan working up to a weight I don't use in training right now

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Programming Rehash

Mild modifications but I see no reason not to post them on a page that only I ever actually use.

Monday - Front Squat to triples, 1-Board to triples, Deadlift x7, Pulldowns for 5s, Diesel 1
Tuesday - Squat to singles, Bench to singles, Deadlift x9, GHR for 5s, Diesel 2
Wednesday - Squat to triples, 2-Board to singles, Deadlift x11, Pulldowns for 5s, Diesel 3
Thursday - Squat to singles, Bench to singles, Deadlift x13, GHR for 5s, Curls
Friday - Front Squat to triples, 1-Board to triples, Deadlift x3, Pulldowns for 5s, Diesel 4
Saturday - Squat to singles, Bench to singles, Deadlift x5, GHR for 5s, Diesel 5

Friday, March 1, 2013


Got paid. This is good.

Warmup - Added some rolling for my quad

Front Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185
3x 230, 235, 240, 245
Wide stance.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 160

1-Board -
3x 185, 185, 190
2x 195
3x 195
Mild bursitis in my left shoulder and some inflammation on the back of my left wrist. Oh dear.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225
1x 285 (x3)
Omitting 135 because it's just too fucking light to be worth doing.

Cut there. Taking Sundays off in future. Icecream and alcohol are now to be had. Or starch or something.