Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Last Few Days

I completely trashed my original plan when I woke up on Tuesday feeling extremely lethargic. We're talking "lethargic as death" here - I could barely function until I'd eaten something like 3,000 calories of curry and icecream.

Decided to drop the weights directly to 60% and then slash the volume each day following that. The actual workouts themselves are sort of irrelevant since the whole thing was preplanned and the weights were to low for anything to go wrong. I spent a lot of time agonizing over depth and think I have it down fairly well at this point, though the meet will tell.

Main thing was yesterday with the Deadlift opener:

Warmup (with 1x3x75lbs lat pulldown as an extra)

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225 (x2)
3x 275 (maybe x2, can't remember)
1x 315 (x2)
0x 350, immediately followed by 1x350 sumo
Add belt
1x 365 sumo, shortly followed by 1x 365 conventional
I think we can safely conclude that my low back is the limiting factor here and that I need to do some more dedicated work on it. Not sure exactly how I'm going to approach that without making a lot of huge changes, though I doubt the "deadlifts as practice" approach is really going to hold up unless I just start wearing the belt for everything (which I may), and possibly not even then. Decisions...

Anyway, planned deads are still 350-385-420. Taking squat and bench on Wednesday.

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