Monday, March 4, 2013


This was a damn good day.

Warmup (minimal rolling)

Front Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185
3x 245, 245, 245, 245, 235
Third reps were getting bad enough that I switched off. Working on maintaining good back position even when hitting really serious depth.
I have videos here but I don't know if I'll bother to upload them. In generally I may stop posting the videos until I'm hitting much higher numbers.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 160

1-Board -
3x 185, 185, 195, 200, 195
Getting better at this. My triceps are feeling it more, too.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225
1x 285 (x7)
Working on getting my upper back rounded properly.

Lat Pulldowns:
5x 65, 65, 65, 65
Working on speed here. Today I was tired from the deads so my recruitment didn't feel quite as good (or at least that's what I assume caused it).

Diesel Rehab 1


Then a single with 315 on deads so I'd feel better about Susan working up to a weight I don't use in training right now

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