Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More Catch-Up Entries

SE Upper

Shoulder Warmup, GHRs

Bench: 45, 95, 135
7x2 - 175lbs
Started out feeling shitty, got mildly better, final set felt ok lat-wise. I think this is related to my losing weight.
Possibly also my being distracted by something else, too.

Floor Press: 65
165lbs - 5, 3, 3, 3, 3
I wasn't really able to get psyched up tonight, which contributed to this. I could, conceivably, have gotten 5 on the 2nd and 3rd sets, but I knew I wouldn't be sleeping much that night and didn't really want to overdo things, in light of the ME Squats the following day.

DB Floor Press:
45s - 10, 10, 8
Slashed volume.

DB Row:
3x10 - 45s
Slashed volume, here more because I wanted to gtfo and not sleep than because I honestly felt that doing the extra work might do bad things to my shoulders.

ME Lower:

Warmup, not going to denote this anymore. Just assume that prior to doing anything I do the Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup with 5lb DBs, and then between 5 and 10 GHRs. Then some leg swings, front-back and side-side.

Squat: 135, 135
3x 185, 225
1x 275, 315
0x 350, 325
The only consolation I have on this is that I get my car this weekend, and will thus be able to actually buying large quantities of food. I'm dropping elements of paleo for the time being so I can gain some ****ing weight.

Called it quits after the 325 fail because I'm a pussy.

Saba got food poisoning and couldn't come, but I'll be Board Pressing with him on Wednesday.

Friday, June 25, 2010

2010-06-25 SE Lower

Went better. Met another powerlifter (albeit a guy who hasn't competed); got his email, asked him if he wants to train together. Hoping to the various violent Norse gods that he says yes.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs
5 GHRs (had to adjust the pad - some idiot elevated it)

Squat: 135, 135, 185, 185, 225, 225
5x1 - 290lbs
Knees were not liking this. Fortunately, I add in fish oil and EVOO...tomorrow. Yay.

Deadlift: 135, 225
5x1 - 275lbs
Felt pretty good.

Below-Knee Rack Pull: 135, 225
5x 335, 315, 315, 315, 315
335's probably only a bit shy of my 5RM, so I figured I should just go ahead, start low, and work up later.
Used DL grip instead of switching it the way I did last time I did these. My shoulders probably don't love me much right now.

Incline DB Shrugs:
60 Degrees: 10x30s
45 Degrees: 2x10x30s
30 Degrees: 2x10x30s
30 Degrees seems to get me the best stimulation, so sticking with that.

8, 7, 6, 6, 5

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2010-06-24 ME Upper

Got in late due to speaking to a somewhat estranged friend and reading an article. Got kicked out of the good room for this god-awful middle school program again, only this time it was by an obnoxious Asian bitch (here meaning it in the bad sense, not the "I use this in place of 'woman' arbitrarily" sense) who probably doesn't realize how close she came to dying - one of her "get out" comments was phrased in a fashion that struck a very, very dangerous nerve.

Also, I hopefully have a consistent spot and board holder for ME Upper, so this will, with any luck, be the last time I ever max out on Incline. I'm not good at it and I don't progress on it.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

CG Incline: 45, 75
3x 95, 115, 125, 135
2.5 x 145
Shitty spot, so I may have been able to get the triple. Got kicked out of the room right as I was preparing to psyche up for the final one, which probably affected things somewhat.

DB Bench:
5x5 - 60s
Taking it light. Elbows not feeling so hot regardless. x.x

10, 7, 5, 4, 4
Getting a bit stricter with form and using shorter rest periods. The pull-downs definitely helped a lot, though, so I will be cycling back to them.

DB Cleans:
2x10 - 20s
...yeah, I was basically just mentally checked out by these.

Tension headaches are back, three guesses as to why.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Catch-Up from dead internet

ME Upper:

DB Press: 30s
5x5 - 60s
Fairly easy.
I'll do this for the next two weeks, then switch to dips when I cycle over to Bench for ME.

10, 8, 5, 5, 5
5mins between the DB Press and the first set, 2.5 mins between first and second, 2mins between 2nd and 3rd, 1.5 mins for the rest. This may or may not have significantly affected performance.

Seated DB Clean:
22.5s - 10, 10, 10, 10, 7
Cheating. Repeating weight.

Face Pull:
3x8 - 20lbs
Used the short strap here. Bad choice.

Plate Halo:
2x10 - 25lb Plate

All the accessory work here gets cycled over when I Bench for ME.

SE Lower:

Squat: 135, 185, 225
7x2 - 280lbs
Started out bad, got better as sets progressed.

Deadlift: 135, 225
5x1 - 275lbs
Feeling decent.

Front Squat: 135
5x5 - 215lbs
Time to spend 3 weeks on Rack Pulls. Yay.

Experimented with some upper back stuff:
"Thoracic RDLs" - 10x185
Bent-Over BB Shrug: 4x10 - 135lbs
Going to try doing DB Shrugs on an incline bench next week. Will cycle with either shrugs or Kroc Rows.

10, 9, 6
...got tired, wanted to go home, cut these short by two sets.


SE Upper:

Bench: 45, 95, 135
7x2 - 170lbs
Felt very good. I'm beginning to fully grasp the importance of getting the feeling of "folding" my upper back into the mid/lower, and keeping my feet relatively far up the bench during setup. Also getting better at engaging the lats on the way down. Most of these were pretty solid reps.

Press: 45
3x5 - 120lbs
Realized after I'd finished this that doing so has fucked up the accessory work rotation for my bench cycle. Unless I can find someone to hold boards for Board Press tomorrow, it looks like I'm doing two weeks of Floor Press for the 5x5.

Blast Strap Push-Up:
10, 10, 10, 8, 6
Switching to DB Floor for 2 weeks.

DB Row:
5x10 - 40lbs
First time doing these in a while. Figured out after the 3rd set that I have to set my lat before grabbing the dumbbell for the 2nd side (currently doing the Left first, 'cuz it's weaker).
Great feeling in upper back afterwards, though I suspect that this may have contributed to the squat issue on Monday.

Plate Halo:
2x10 - 25lbs


ME Lower

Pissed off about this. Definitely had the PR in me, could probably have nailed it easily, but a combination of bad circumstances, general fatigue from walking for upwards of 3 hours a day for the past 4 days, and lack of thoracic mobility (finally found a place other than front squats that this comes to bite me in the ass) gimped out the set.

Squat: 135, 135
3x 185, 225, 275
2x 325
Pretty much the second I finished the 275 set, some fat woman comes in and tells us we have to clear out of the good room because some program's reserved it (...10pm? Wuh?). When I asked when these people would arrive, she ignored me and walked out, so I just picked up my stuff and moved to the other room ("Fuck it, you kick me out, you clean up my plates."). Loaded up the bar with 325 in rubberized polygonal plates, got distracted by a friend, then proceeded to get further distracted because some 6ft black guy with a goofy grin on his face insisted on dancing and doing push-ups in the area I was using to psyche up. This asshole then proceeded to start unloading my bar until I intervened, at which point he realized that the pissed-off guy in the EliteFTS shirt who LOADED the bar might, in fact, be the one planning to use it at some point, and finally backed off.
Went through the psyche-up motions, got myself up, unracked it like air, got the first rep, then lost position on the second rep because I couldn't drive my traps back. Being in the bad room with bad music and surrounded by bad people, I decided to just call it quits. Very annoyed about this, going to make an effort to get in earlier on Mondays for the rest of the summer so that this stupid bullshit doesn't get in the way again.
Also, I appear to have spontaneously developed a mild prejudice against goofily grinning black people (and am typing this in a room filled with them, because they apparently congregate in the student center). Hopefully this goes away soon, but DAMN do I find these fuckers annoying now. Note that those not showing any teeth don't get on my nerves, but they appear to be in the minority at Cal right now. x.x

25lbs - 8, 7, 6
Shite. Probably because I forgot to wait after the squats and just jumped right in the second I'd unloaded the bar.

RDL: 135
5x10 - 155lbs
Good feeling in hamstrings and low back, mild sensation in mid/upper back. Yay, keeping these. Should also help my grip.

Iso Hold:
5x20count - 95lb DB
...honestly wasn't hard enough. Maybe it only starts kicking in around the 25count mark, or something.

Didn't really want to overwork it here, though I was definitely feeling these by the last set.

Need to work on thoracic mobility, eat more, start contrast showering again, etc.. Fortunately, the odds are very high that I can get 350x1 eveni f I didn't get the full triple at 325, so I'm not calling this a total loss.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010-06-13 SE Upper

Still at 170. Need to eat more. Urgh.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Bench: 45, 95, 95, 135
6x3 - 165lbs
Sucked. I couldn't get the bar to fall properly into my lats, and repeatedly set my arch incorrectly. Hoping I can remedy this before the next time I max out.

Press: 45
115lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
I blame this one entirely on the gym's shitty music selection. It should have been 5x5.
Oh well. Going for 5x5 at 120 next week, hopefully getting it either then or the following week. Goal is 5x5 with 135 at the end of the summer.

Blast Strap Push-Ups:
10, 10, 8, 6, 7
Squeezing the fuck out of your abs and glutes does a surprising amount to help with these.

Chest-Supported Row:
5x10 - +60lbs
Last time doing these until the next time I'm in SD. Darn.

Friday, June 11, 2010

2010-06-11 SE Lower

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Squat: 135, 185, 225
7x2 - 280lbs
It wasn't until about halfway through this that I remembered that the entire point of the SE work is to help me (and my body) internalize the form and cues for the lift. Oddly enough, that was also the point at which the reps got a whole hell of a lot easier.
Need to remember to push as hard as possible, though. I'm getting lazy on speed.

Deadlift: 135, 225
5x1 - 275lbs

Front Squat: 135
5x5 - 210
Getting even mildly psyched up on these (basically just breathing heavily and storming over to the rack when it's time to go for the set - no internal music, etc. the way it is for the core lifts) makes everything so much easier.

Lat Pulldown:
10x 70, 85, 85, 70, 70
1, 2, and 5 were very well-executed. 3 and 4 less so.
Expecting to get some better feeling from pull-ups now.

Hanging Leg Raise:
Last couple of sets kinda stopped counting after about rep 6, but w/e.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

2010-06-10 ME Upper

ME Upper

Deloaded today, because I needed to get home early and cook stuff for my ex, who is coming over for a few hours. Intrigue shall ensue.

DB Press: 5x30s
5x5 - 50s
Will work these upwards.

Lat Pulldown:
5x10 - 85lbs
Had to take some brief intra-set breaks to let my forearms recuperate a bit, but got a good lat feeling here. I may just take up some straps or something for next week.

Chest-Supported Row:
5x10 - +50lbs

Plate Halo:
2x10ea - 25lb Plate

Monday, June 7, 2010

2010-06-07 ME Lower

Who's got two thumbs and a 385 raw dead? THIS GUY.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Deadlift: 135, 135
3x 185, 225, 275
1x 315, 385, 345, 345 (held for 15 seconds)
Really ugly rep to rerack x 315
Setup badly for the 385, but I got it. Fucking sweet. Steven and Erik both say it was a hellaciously ugly rep, probably due to the setup. Really felt in back. Lockout was actually a bit of an issue, possibly because of the bad back position.
Seems like my back's the weak link now. Upping the weight on SE Lower to 275 to improve form. May try doing GMs again for a back accessory, since the Hatfield raises didn't work out so well.

5x5ea - 75lbs Each Hand
Less dead than last week.

Back Raises:
3x10 - 85lb DB
Parents called me home (and are now proceeding to do absolutely nothing while I type this up - I should have stayed and finished up, but we had a bit of a row yesterday so I'm trying to stay on their good side). I might have stopped anyway on account of the tension headache flaring up a bit - couldn't put my chin to my chest the way I can at the RSF, thanks to a big screw sticking out right where my forehead would haev gone.

Currently weighing in at about 171. Goal is to eat 5,000 paleolithically-available calories (or more) per day for the entire next training cycle, never get less than 8 hours of sleep, imbibe no alcohol, and try not to let a couple of things get to me (...fortunately, I'm no longer the type to let things like that stay long, but I was seriously hoping to never have to deal with one of them ever again).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

2010-06-06 SE Upper

Good day today. Love me some chest-supported rows.

Dieselcrew Warmup: 5lbs

Bench: 45, 95, 135
6x3 - 160lbs

Press: 45
5x5 - 110lbs
...might have had a few 6-rep sets in here. I love pressing too much.
This was pretty damn easy.

Blast Strap Push-Up:
10, 10, 6, ~7, 7 (failed 8th)

Chest-Supported Row:
55lbs - 12, 10, 10, 10, 11
Might have had a 4th set of 10 before the 11-rep one.
Focusing on getting a stretch and contraction in my lats on this. Repeating weight on Wednesday, adding 5lbs on Friday.

Plate Halo:
2x10ea - 25lbs

Friday, June 4, 2010

2010-06-04 SE Lower

Got in too late to actually hit the pulldowns or ab work. FUCK.

Might do some stuff later tonight, I guess.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup w/ 5lb DBs

Squat: 135, 185, 225
7x2 - 275lbs
Not sure if I'm sitting back far enough, but at least I was fitting in a pretty solid groove.

5x1 - 225lbs
Almost pulled a trap here, but...didn't. Groove feels solid for Monday.

Front Squat: 135
5x5 - 205lbs
YES. Pretty damn easy, too.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2010-06-02 ME Upper

This was amusing.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Bench: 45, 95
3x 120, 145, 170
1x 200

CG Bench:
3x 155, 175

Rolling DB Extensions:
25lb DBs - 8, 8
30lb DBs - 6
...kinda meh. Starting to think I should use a compound movement here and try to build up shoulder strength (DB Pressing or somesuch - not QUITE what I have on SE Upper, but close).
EDIT: Strongly considering DB Bench and Dips in here, though I won't make a decision until I'm back in Berkeley.

10x 70, 85, 70, 70, 70
Kinda feeling it.

Chest-Supported Row:
10x +55, +65, +55, +50, +50

Plate Halos: This is always the same shit, I'm not wasting the time to write it down.

My lats better be fucking huge by the time I get back to Berkeley.