Thursday, June 24, 2010

2010-06-24 ME Upper

Got in late due to speaking to a somewhat estranged friend and reading an article. Got kicked out of the good room for this god-awful middle school program again, only this time it was by an obnoxious Asian bitch (here meaning it in the bad sense, not the "I use this in place of 'woman' arbitrarily" sense) who probably doesn't realize how close she came to dying - one of her "get out" comments was phrased in a fashion that struck a very, very dangerous nerve.

Also, I hopefully have a consistent spot and board holder for ME Upper, so this will, with any luck, be the last time I ever max out on Incline. I'm not good at it and I don't progress on it.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

CG Incline: 45, 75
3x 95, 115, 125, 135
2.5 x 145
Shitty spot, so I may have been able to get the triple. Got kicked out of the room right as I was preparing to psyche up for the final one, which probably affected things somewhat.

DB Bench:
5x5 - 60s
Taking it light. Elbows not feeling so hot regardless. x.x

10, 7, 5, 4, 4
Getting a bit stricter with form and using shorter rest periods. The pull-downs definitely helped a lot, though, so I will be cycling back to them.

DB Cleans:
2x10 - 20s
...yeah, I was basically just mentally checked out by these.

Tension headaches are back, three guesses as to why.

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