Monday, June 7, 2010

2010-06-07 ME Lower

Who's got two thumbs and a 385 raw dead? THIS GUY.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Deadlift: 135, 135
3x 185, 225, 275
1x 315, 385, 345, 345 (held for 15 seconds)
Really ugly rep to rerack x 315
Setup badly for the 385, but I got it. Fucking sweet. Steven and Erik both say it was a hellaciously ugly rep, probably due to the setup. Really felt in back. Lockout was actually a bit of an issue, possibly because of the bad back position.
Seems like my back's the weak link now. Upping the weight on SE Lower to 275 to improve form. May try doing GMs again for a back accessory, since the Hatfield raises didn't work out so well.

5x5ea - 75lbs Each Hand
Less dead than last week.

Back Raises:
3x10 - 85lb DB
Parents called me home (and are now proceeding to do absolutely nothing while I type this up - I should have stayed and finished up, but we had a bit of a row yesterday so I'm trying to stay on their good side). I might have stopped anyway on account of the tension headache flaring up a bit - couldn't put my chin to my chest the way I can at the RSF, thanks to a big screw sticking out right where my forehead would haev gone.

Currently weighing in at about 171. Goal is to eat 5,000 paleolithically-available calories (or more) per day for the entire next training cycle, never get less than 8 hours of sleep, imbibe no alcohol, and try not to let a couple of things get to me (...fortunately, I'm no longer the type to let things like that stay long, but I was seriously hoping to never have to deal with one of them ever again).

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