Friday, June 11, 2010

2010-06-11 SE Lower

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Squat: 135, 185, 225
7x2 - 280lbs
It wasn't until about halfway through this that I remembered that the entire point of the SE work is to help me (and my body) internalize the form and cues for the lift. Oddly enough, that was also the point at which the reps got a whole hell of a lot easier.
Need to remember to push as hard as possible, though. I'm getting lazy on speed.

Deadlift: 135, 225
5x1 - 275lbs

Front Squat: 135
5x5 - 210
Getting even mildly psyched up on these (basically just breathing heavily and storming over to the rack when it's time to go for the set - no internal music, etc. the way it is for the core lifts) makes everything so much easier.

Lat Pulldown:
10x 70, 85, 85, 70, 70
1, 2, and 5 were very well-executed. 3 and 4 less so.
Expecting to get some better feeling from pull-ups now.

Hanging Leg Raise:
Last couple of sets kinda stopped counting after about rep 6, but w/e.

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