Monday, October 11, 2010

2010-10-11 ME Lower

Oh mother of fucking god.

Warmup, Rolling, Hip Circles

Squat: 135, 135, 135, 135, 185, 185
0x 225
Pushed my hips back for the first rep and something popped VERY loudly in my hamstring/groin. I immediately reracked the weight and sat down for a minute or so due to the pain, was able to walk, and thus decided the ER could wait. By the time I left the RSF I could no longer walk with any real stride length and had to check out a wheelchair from them.
ER didn't want to go through the hassle of X-Raying my hip to find out what was wrong (and thus all I know is that it almost certainly isn't a tear and that it almost certainly isn't in my hamstring), so I'm consulting with an orthopedist ASAP. I then went back to the RSF to return the wheelchair only to find out that they have now lost my ID, which means I will at some point in the near future have to either bitch them out so they'll find it or bitch out the card office so they'll give me another one for free because the card was lost by a university employee who demanded the ID from me in exchange for something I needed and there's thus absolutely no way in hell I'm paying to get a replacement because it was Cal that fucked up and not anyone associated with yours truly.

So, I can do lat pull-downs. MAYBE. This is contingent on my being able to get into the RSF given that they have my ID but can't find it.

Got the 270lbs of plates this morning. The guy who sold them to me doesn't appear to have any other buyers, so I can get craptons more stuff from him as needed (of so it appears), including a buffalo bar.

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