Saturday, October 16, 2010

Looking Forward...

Orthopedic surgeon was pretty sure it was up in the muscle and also recommended some specialty compression shorts for fixing whatever's wrong with my hip flexor.

I should be back within a month, but it looks like I've lost my training partners until next semester. I'm not sure how I plan to proceed after that - as I said in the main board thread, I'm thinking of going back to linear programming for at least a few weeks to recover my strength before I go back to using a percentage-based program, but I'm:
A) Not sure if that's necessary if I just start over from the Deficit Deadlift / 2-Board Press 3RM weeks
B) Not sure that it'd be the best idea to switch off a linear program until at least next semester, given that the current rate of progress (average of +5lbs every 2-3 weeks for each core lift as long as I'm gaining weight) sounds like it'd be fairly reasonable either way. yeah, uh. At this point I'm cleanly divided between the two options - I like being on my current program, appear to be making pretty respectable progress, and am hesitant to change it when it doesn't appear to be broken, but I also don't know how wise it would be to switch back to it immediately post-rehab or how wise it would be to switch off of a post-rehab linear program before that stops providing a similar rate of progress.

And possibly other arguments as well. I didn't sleep much last night and I've barely eaten so far today, so my thought process is likely to remain somewhat muddled until I finish the upcoming rack of ribs.

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