Saturday, October 30, 2010

Program Plan

For the time being, I am without any training partners - Saba's switching to a linear program (for the best), Dustin's going in when he can, Eric's pussying out for the time being because he burned his hand, and Rachel's switching back to bodyweight stuff for the time being due to time constraints. I imagine I'll be getting Eric back fairly soon, and should have Saba and Rachel back next semester.

If I can get Eric back, I may stay on my old program; otherwise, I'm switching back to linear for the time being.

Getting a belt, too. Any suggestions?

Current Plan is:

Squat 3x5
Front Squat 3x5
GHR 3x8
Rollout 3x8

Tuesday - Sled, Band Face Pulls

Bench 3x5
Press 3x5
DB Row 3x8
Pulldown 3x8

Thursday - Sled, Band Face Pulls

Deadlift 3x5
Good Morning 3x5
45-Degree Hyper 3x8
Rollout 3x8

Saturday - Sled, Band Face Pulls

Face Pulls will be done off of a doorknob. Or something. I'll probably ask my parents if I can put a pull-up bar into my door frame, actually.
I'm going to spend the next week (starting today) squatting every day to finish rehabbing my hamstring - it still pulls under certain circumstances. I'm also going to devote considerable attention to my IT band, glutes, and just about everything else in that region, and look into getting some ART done.

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