Friday, October 1, 2010

2010-10-01 SE Lower

Warmup, Rolling, Hip Circles (10-15 for the left leg and occasionally a few for the right, done before workout and between sets)

Squats: 135, 135, 135, 135, 185, 185, 225, 275
7x2 - 300lbs
I need to get a video of these. I trust Rachel when she says I'm hitting depth, but I want to know how far past it I'm going.
I need to eat more and get more plates for sled work. Nao.
Oh, and I need to cut the time I rest. I didn't even start the work sets until almost an hour in. 20 minutes for general warmup I'll accept (I'd rather have it be 10, though). 35 for 8 sets, though...that's longer than I'd be taking on work sets.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225
5x3 - 295lbs
Back position was questionable on these - no doubt because I've been heavily neglecting them and my back musculature.
It was still acceptable, though.
I think I'm going to modify the 6x3 or whatever it is we do towards the end of the cycle to lower reps and possibly more sets. Strong suspicion that that was what fucked my hip up in the first place...though once my conditioning's back up, I may be able to have another shot at it and see if just taking care of my hips is enough.


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