Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2010-09-29 ME Upper

Feeling pretty good, yeah. Hip's doing a lot better, possibly because I roll it about 4 times a day now.

Warmup, Rolling, but no hip circles today
Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135, 135
3x 135, 185, 185, 205, 225
The first 185 was nearly a disaster - Dustin gave me the liftoff and shoved it out a good inch too far. He's getting better, but it was still kinda scary.
Looking at 245 for 1 next week. Holy hell, I'm actually getting stronger.

Strict DB Press, Neutral Grip:
60s x 6, 3, 5, 5, 3
Getting 5x6 next week, from the looks of things.
I think I may be fast approaching the point at which I should start alternating 3 sets and 5 sets from week to week on my heavy accessories. Dunno, though, and it's not like I wasn't already doing that (albeit by feel rather than by design...which is what I shall continue to do, methinks).
Had some bad sensations in my shoulder on a few of these; not BAD bad, but bone collisions.

Lat Activation Pull-Down:
3x10 - 105lbs
Repeating next week for 5 sets.

Rear Delt Flyes:
3x10 - 22.5lbs
Repeating next week for 5 sets.

Muscle Snatch: 30lbs, 3x8
L-Laterals: 5lbs, 1x10
45-Deg Raise: 5lbs, 2x8
External Rotation: 2.5lbs, 2x8

Upping the weight on the muscle snatches in a few weeks. Might take it up 7.5s on the L-Laterals and 45s around the same time. May go up to a 5lb on the ERs, Halloween.

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