Monday, September 20, 2010

2010-09-20 SE Upper

Warmup, Rolling

Bench: 45, 45, 95, 100, 145
5x4 - 165lbs
These were all decent, some better than others. Very few that were great.

Press: 45
5x5 - 120lbs
Fucking FINALLY.
Pinkies on the rings grip now. I think this made a difference, and it should do a decent bit to keep me consistent with grip width.

DB Floor:
60s x 10, 10, 8, 7, 7
Shoulders not loving me over these.
I think this is more due to my not coming damn close to megadosing fish oil anymore, though. I need Greg's Costco card ASAP.

DB Row:
3x10ea - 50lb
My right lat is hilariously weaker than the left one.

Face Pull:
2x10 - 10lbs

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