Sunday, September 26, 2010

2010-09-26 SE Upper

Took Friday off almost completely (lots of rolling while everyone else lifted) because everything I would have been doing would have aggravated my glute.

Deficit Deads tomorrow for ME. I may or may not join in.

I didn't sleep much last night (just turned 20: cheat meal, followed by movies and sex, followed by SOME sleep, followed by more sex and then work on an empty stomach) and didn't eat THAT much today, so...yeah. I need to get my ass over to Costco and buy a length of ribeye.

Didn't bench today. Eric somehow managed to fail on his. Finally got around to telling Dustin to just do a linear program for the time being, so he's now doing what Rachel's doing and is only slightly stronger than her (except on the Bench).

Rachel got her 3x5x95 Squat today and we were all very pleased, particularly since she got about as much sleep as I did last night.

I'm going to stop blogging now and just give you the update. Huzzah.

Warmup + Asstons of glute rolling

Press: 45, 95
125lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4

DB Floor:
60s x 4
Then my shoulder started to hurt and I decided not to chance it.

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