Thursday, September 2, 2010

2010-09-02 ME Upper

I got myself pulled over for something I wasn't aware was actually a ticketable offense, so I wasn't quite here for this one...which makes it even cooler that I got the numbers I did. Fuck yeah.

On the minus side, desperately trying to figure out where the hell I put my driver's license after the cop decided not to give me the ticket. Which was nice of him (I think he could tell it was my first such encounter, lulz).


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135, 135
3x 185, 205, 210
45 felt meh and it didn't seem like I was arching properly, but I went up anyway. Eric and Dustin joined us again and plan to keep doing so for upper days; Eric's still doing speed work for lower, and I guess he's dragging Dustin along with him. I wonder if I can get them to at least max out with us.
225 next week. I'll probably play it safe and not go for 230 unless 225 goes very smoothly (which it might - I came into this burned out somewhat due to my...encounter).

DB Bench:
3x5 - 75s
Muuuuch harder than 70s.

3x10 - 90lbs
Might want to use less weight next time and review the article beforehand, etc..

Seated DB Cleans:
5x10 - 20s

Muscle Snatch: 30lbs
L-Laterals: 7.5lbs each hand
45-Degree Raise: 7.5lbs
External Rotation: 3lbs
Did the Snatches VERY slowly this time, which was...different. In a good way. I think.

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