Thursday, October 28, 2010

Status Update

I've been studying continuously for the last week and at the end of my 4-week hiatus am:
1) Down to 175lbs. This is both good and bad, I think - good in that I'm probably still carrying more lean mass than I was when last I was 175lbs, bad because I now have craptons of weight to gain again.
2) Reasonably healed in the hamstring.
3) Just as bad if not worse in the fucking hip flexor area. At this point, I'm fucking done with this and am going to see an ART Practioner ASAP. The Ortho said this was probably a chronic groin strain, but I'm very skeptical of this given that I have now identified that it's the hip bone itself that's hurting and probably not the muscle, and have little reason to care either way because getting the surrounding area released should have a positive effect either way.

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