Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dietary Bullshit: Current Standing

I'm going to preface this entry by saying that I woke up this morning (or "this noon," since my girlfriend and I didn't get out of bed until about twelve - I blame this on her) feeling ready to murder a train. If you find this statement objectionable, feel free to tell me why, as you clearly know something I don't about both murder and trains.

The background on this is pretty simple: Since I kicked off my introductory "keto run" on Monday, I just had my first straight-up (modified) fasting day yesterday, and it sucked. Reading through Jamie's article on the early phase of the diet (particularly if you're fat, which I currently am, albeit not too visibly), I was mildly confused by his comment that your Sunday lift will be awesome - even with some extra solids, it didn't seem as though the day after a fast would be the best day to go smash some weights.

Well...that confusion has (partly) vanished now. Once I got out of bed I felt murderously awesome and was very mildly tempted to just go to the gym and squat my ridiculously light weights for the easiest 5x5 since my third week on the Texas Method. I still don't understand the mechanism behind this, but I'm a believer. That said, my scientist brain is already identifying alternative reasons - maybe it's just that I've only now hit ketosis and rebounded back into awesomeness, maybe I just slept more last night, maybe the kettlebell swings I did on a whim before I went to sleep have changed something...but what the fuck do I care (right now, at least), I feel amazing and want to go lift shit.

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