Sunday, April 1, 2012

Meet Report

That was, uh...weird.
Overslept because my alarm doesn't go off on weekends
Got a speeding ticket on the way up because we were in a hurry
Got there and discovered that the weigh-ins wouldn't close for about an hour
Realized almost immediately upon arrival that I had forgotten my singlet at home
Frantically attempted to procure replacement singlet or get someone to drive mine up, wound up borrowing Saarni's for about 5 minutes until two of the heavyweights offered to let me use their XLs. Seems I fit pretty nicely into an XL, which is...silly.

They completely rearranged a lot of the organizational stuff; flights last time were all lightweights, all middleweights, all heavyweights, whereas this time it went Girls&Bench Only, all Light and Middleweight Raw men, all heavyweight and geared men. Not sure if this actually helped to even stuff out, though it did make things a bit easier for the loaders, so w/e.

Can't remember exact kilo amounts, BUT approximate poundages:
Squat: 315, 340, 375
Bench: 180, 200, 225
Dead: 365, 400, 430 (failed)

Squat and Bench attempts should have been higher. Deads have sucked for me pretty much since I stalled out at 405 for 3x5 last summer, so whatever. The Deadlift Bar is supremely awesome and if I do put together a home gym I'm almost certainly going to get one. Circular plates are amazing and I hate the RSF for getting rid of them now. Urgh.

First squat felt heavy but wound up being almost effortless. Second one I started to lose forward but didn't have much trouble GMing up. Third I very slightly lost forward but caught pretty nicely. For some reason this resulted in me grinning for the second half of the rep and cracking up after I racked it.

Bench opener was hilariously easy. Second was as well (despite my having to pause at the start of my setup to put my straps up). Third felt a lot slower but apparently it went up pretty fast. Going to stick with thumbless CG (or MG, depending on where you define things. Pinkies on rings.).

Deadlift opener wasn't as fast as I'd've liked. I was pretty psyched up for the second attempt since I'd picked it specifically to hit 1000, and couldn't move the 3rd.

Saw some pretty ridiculous squats (mostly Chris Buffington putting up 800 as a 198) and a near-miss on a 750 deadlift from a guy who vaguely resembles Dave Tate. The "Blue Whale" from the Diablo meet was there as a bench-only and failed a ~585 bench at least twice (pretty much exactly as he did at Diablo); it'd be kinda sad, but he also bitched the judges out at least once, so I'm opting for "funny" instead.

Max Aita was there as a handler for a fairly strong (and reasonably attractive) girl in the 165s. Didn't manage to get his autograph before he left, but I'll manage it next time.

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