Sunday, April 8, 2012

Log - 4/8/2012

The awesomeness has died down somewhat, but the weights are ludicrously light right now so it didn't matter. I also still managed to get more amped than usual, which is promising (someday I will write something about the placebo effect and why people need to shut up about it, but for now I'll just go with "and anyone who says that it might not be because of [badass reason here] can go fuck themselves.")

Warmup: Foam rolling (lateral on the IT band), lacrosse balls for upper back (paused between rips). Supine bridge, GHR, banded GM stretch. Standard shoulder warmup.

Oly Squat: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x1, 225x1, 275x1
5x5 - 190lbs
Essentially no rest between warmup sets. The single was pretty easy, though technique can always get better.
The work sets (and there may have been six of them) took longer than they had to - old coworker wanted to know how I got so much smaller.

Press: 45x5, 70x5, 95x1
4x5 - 70lbs
Yeah, fucked up with the warmup. Oh well.

Chins: Holds in perfect top position
1x15s, 4x10s
Did a rep after the last hold. Was a bad idea.

Abs: "Marching"
5x2ea - 5 breaths
This is an exercise my physical therapist forces me to do. It's dramatically harder than it should be, so you can bet your ass that I'm going to keep doing it until it's easy.
For a mental image: Lie down, knees at 90 degrees, feet flat on floor. Take breath into belly, then exhale and pull navel to spine. Raise first leg to 90 degrees of hip flexion, than second leg. Breaths should be pushed "back" - if you did it standing, your shoulders wouldn't rise significantly.

And now, ribs.

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