Friday, April 13, 2012

Log - 4/13/2012

First refeed (Rampage) day today. I'm stuck on the same kind of schedule that I use...well, virtually every day, so rather than moderate-carb low-fat food (e.g. Jamie's low-carb tortillas with lean ground beef) I just went with adding 40g of maltodextrin to each of my shakes. I'm not sure how strongly that played into my brief period of drowsiness earlier this afternoon.

I'm about to go and consume outrageous quantities of food on someone else's dollar, so I'll cut the chatter there and just get right into the Iron part.

Warmup - Standard rolling, upper back warmup, bridge, GHR

Deadlift: 135x5, 185x5, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1
5x5 - 230lbs
Managed 315 with a double-overhand grip without too much trouble. The singles should take it from "Doable" to "Easy" - one thing I'm liking about this approach.
The other big thing I'm liking about it is that it makes light weights feel even lighter. 230lbs was so easy that my form probably broke down a bit. I'm getting better at touch-and-go, though, so that's a plus. I need to work on keeping my upper back rounded forward somewhat (and, as a result, setting up with the bar even closer to my shins).
I did several of these without breathing, by the way.

Bench: 45x5, 95x1, 135x1
5x5 - 100lbs
Doing strict, well-executed reps with your ribcage locked down is unbelievably tiring.

Pull-Up Holds:

No abdominal work today; was already behind the clock for PT. Turned out I was actually VERY behind the clock and had missed my appointment, though Allen had (as usual) scheduled an extra one with someone else right afterward without telling me. The second appointment was (as usual) extremely useful - and (again, as usual) I'm going to have some more appointments with that therapist. This time it was a PT Assistant focused on getting rid of trigger points (hence the priority on seeing him again - some of them I can get myself, but there are a lot of nooks and crannies around the shoulder joint that I can't release on my own).

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