Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2011-03-30 Squat and Press

Warmup - Rolling, Light static stretching for hamstrings and groin, bodyweight squats, Dieselcrew warmup with 10lbs (no skiiers)

Squat: 45x4, 95, 135, 185, 225
280lbs - 3x5
Wish I could have had video of these, because they felt fucking horrible. Fairly sure I hit depth on all of them, at least.

Press: 45, 95
132.5lbs - 5, 4 (5F), 3
Really wanted to hit 135 next time, so I went for a 5th on the 2nd set despite knowing it was a bad idea. Lulz.

Intermission to go home due to expired parking

DB Row:
82.5lbs - 3x5ea

Band Pull-Aparts:
Mini - 5x20

Monday, March 28, 2011

2011-03-28 Dead and Bench

Warmup - As usual, but less.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 275
315lbs - 3x5
Left palm forward.
Did this while playing Lady Marmalade in my head. It was hilarious.
Got kinda adrenalized before the first set. It was hilarious.
Focusing on getting my hips slightly lower and arching my back hard helped a lot. 3rd set was probably one of the best heavy sets of deads I've ever done (...dunno if it was even THAT heavy, lol).

Interlude - FUCK. I was going to do a 365 unrack on Squats. Goddammit.

Bench: 45, 95, 135
205lbs - 4, 2 (3F), 5
Wrists snapped back on the 3rd rep of the second set. Took me a sec to get them back in position while the bar was on my chest, then pressed it up (with spot assistance) really easily, lol.
Weirded out like fuck @ Set 3, but I guess this means I should have it for sufficient reps next time.

+5lbs - 3x5
Third set was with my Press grip, which worked a tad better.

Band Pull-Aparts:
Mini - 5x20, varying grips

Saturday, March 26, 2011

2011-03-26 Sled

Sled Work

5-6 trips (can't remember which) x 200ft x 1min rest x 135lbs on sled

Friday, March 25, 2011

2011-03-25 Squat and Press

Warmup - More than before, but less than before that.

Squat: 45x4, 95, 135, 185, 225
275lbs - 5, 5, 4
My form's changed a tad; I tried to standardize the "less sitting back" thing today and it worked out fairly well. The last set was horrible, though, possibly because I was demoing Oly squats for Rachel immediately beforehand. Could probably have gotten a 5th, decided not to bother.

Press: 45, 95
130lbs - 5, 5, 4
Apparently my left goes up a tad faster than my right.
Two weeks until 135, whee.

DB Row:
80lbs - 3x5

Mini - 5x20
2 minutes between sets.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dietary Interlude

Eating dirty as fuck until Wednesday night, hoping to wake up 185+ on Thursday morning.

Today featured ~1200 calories of icecream, a ~2,000 calorie rack of ribs + fries, another ~1200 calories of mud pie, and 2 triple meats and a side of fries from In'N'Out. Having finished the lattermost (which I got about 4 hours after I finished the ribs+pie), I think I may be able to handle an extra burger.

(basically, I'm hoping to use my time in San Diego to reach some kind of uber level of recovery so I can rape my weights from Thursday onward; I can't eat healthy, so I might as well eat huge)

Friday, March 18, 2011

2011-03-18 Dead and Bench

Warmup - minimal

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 265
3x5 - 310lbs
Getting my hips a tad lower makes these a lot easier. Will get a video for 315.

205lbs - 3, 3, 2
Had to use the horrible benches in the main room, which didn't help. Also in the "not helping" category is my minimal food and sleep recently. Bleh.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011-04-17 Dead and Floor Press

Warmup: Same old, but with 6 reps each on glute bridges and GHRs this time.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 275
337.5lbs - 3x5
The skin replacing my old callus is holding up ~decently. It didn't tear.
Video of these shows a slight rounding in my back (i.e. so small most people probably wouldn't see it).

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135
175lbs - 3x5
My arms come down unevenly (or something) here. My girlfriend is useless when it comes to gym communication (to the extent that it took me about 10 seconds to get her to tell me if I'd just finished the set, which in turn made the final rep a HELL of a lot harder), so all I know is that there's unevenness. Need to get film of it, or have someone like Saba or Saarni come in and help figure it out.
Anatomy should be a required class for high school graduation. x.x

BW - 5, 5, 4
This is weird.

45-Degree Hyper:
75lbs - 3x10
I guess I'll go up.

Mini - 4x25

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2011-03-15 Squat and Press

Warmup - the usual, but slightly less than last time

Squat: 45x4, 95, 135, 185, 225
270 - 5, 5, 4
Couldn't be arsed to do the final rep.

Press: 45, 85
130 - 5, 5, 3 (4F)

DB Row:
72.5 - 5
77.5 - 5, 5
Screwed up the weights.

Band Pullaparts:
20, 20, 15

Sunday, March 13, 2011

2011-03-13 Dead and Bench

Warmup - the usual, but less of it.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225
3x5 - 305lbs
Getting harder. Grip seems to be the limiting factor here, though. I may start putting the FatGripz on the DBs I use for rows.

Bench: 45x2, 95, 135
205lbs - 4, 4, 3
Hopefully this is a sign that my bench isn't truly stalling. >.>

3x5 - Bodyweight
...dunno if I prefer these to pulldowns.

25, 20, 20

Friday, March 11, 2011

2011-03-11 Squat and Press

Warmup - Less than usual

Squat: 45x5, 95x2, 135x2, 185, 225
3x5 - 265lbs
Sitting too far back on some of these. If I focus on sitting back too hard, I wind up destroying my depth and my back position; if I sit slightly less far back, I zoom up with this one.
What I need to figure out is how to get the knees out and spread the floor cues to integrate with this. I'm missing the next deload, though, so I won't be able to do it there. Hrm.

Press: 45, 85
127.5 - 5, 5, 4
Pretty good. Might have had a 5th in me for the 3rd set, but figured it wasn't a good idea.

3x5 - 75lbs ea

Doing pullaparts momentarily.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2011-03-08 Dead and Bench

Warmup - also considerably less of it

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225
3x5 - 300lbs
Right palm forward.
Went great. Held the final rep for ~20 count.

Bench: 45, 95, 135
200lbs - 5, 5, 4
w00t, can move up.
May or may not switch out to 1-Board or 2-Board soon. I've broken plateaus like this on Press fairly easily, but I suspect that those were form-related, and while my form on bench could certainly get better, I doubt it's a huge limiting factor compared to any kind of burnout.

3x5 - 155lbs
Back to not really feeling these in my lats. I think I'll switch to pull-ups next week (start with bodyweight and go from there).

Band Pull-Aparts:
2x20, will do another 3 sets in a few minutes

Monday, March 7, 2011

2011-03-07 Squat and Press

Warmup - considerably less of it

Squat: 45x4, 95x2, 135, 185
3x5 - 260lbs
On the plus side, it took a lot less time and effort to warm up.
On the minus side (and possibly due to my having slept 16 hours since 10am last Thursday), my form on the work sets felt off. The sets weren't horribly difficult, but it felt as though my knees weren't tracking over my toes properly no matter how hard I pushed them out. Hopefully this'll change on Thursday.

Press: 45, 85
3x4 - 127.5lbs
Meh, take what you can get.

3x5 - 72.5lbs
Right side is definitely weaker than left.

3x20 in the gym, 1x20 outside the car, 1x20 just now. Keeping the band in my room and taking it out for gym stuff.
Need to find the rest of my bands, have no idea wtf happened to them.

Weight's currently just breaking 185.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011-03-02 Squat and Press Deload

Warmup - Roughly 90 minutes of doing bodyweight squats and various hamstring stretches.

Squat: 45x10, 95x4, 145, 195
3x3 - 255lbs
Mother goddamn FUCKER is my leg getting on my nerves. I'm getting my investment money over from England and going for some ART ASAP.
(somewhat fortunately, Rachel was able to massage it fairly effectively with her vibrator...and I say this because she switched to using it after attempting for 20 minutes to get her hands deep enough into my hamstring, and had to put about 2/3 of her bodyweight on the vibro to push far enough in)
The work sets were all a hell of a lot easier than any of the warmups.

Press: 45, 85
3x3 - 125lbs
Not that easy, but w/e.

DB Row:
3x3 - 70lbs

No pullaparts today; have an exam to study for.