Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011-03-02 Squat and Press Deload

Warmup - Roughly 90 minutes of doing bodyweight squats and various hamstring stretches.

Squat: 45x10, 95x4, 145, 195
3x3 - 255lbs
Mother goddamn FUCKER is my leg getting on my nerves. I'm getting my investment money over from England and going for some ART ASAP.
(somewhat fortunately, Rachel was able to massage it fairly effectively with her vibrator...and I say this because she switched to using it after attempting for 20 minutes to get her hands deep enough into my hamstring, and had to put about 2/3 of her bodyweight on the vibro to push far enough in)
The work sets were all a hell of a lot easier than any of the warmups.

Press: 45, 85
3x3 - 125lbs
Not that easy, but w/e.

DB Row:
3x3 - 70lbs

No pullaparts today; have an exam to study for.

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