Sunday, February 27, 2011

2011-02-27 Dead and Bench

Warmup - the usual

Deadlift - 135, 185, 225
3x5 - 295lbs
Easeh. Holding onto the bar at the end of the last set has definitely helped.
Didn't hold onto it for as long as I usually do on this one, though. Lulz.

Bench: 45, 95, 135
200lbs - 5, 4, 4
Failed the 5th on the last set. Shouldn't have gone for it, decided to try, died off the chest. Took something like four people to get it off me, which was pretty hilarious given that I basically just said "Uhhh...lil' help?" in the most nonchalant voice possible (Greg was spotting me, but he's still fairly weak, so his contributions were...mild).

3x5 - 150lbs
Starting to think I should just go to pull-ups.
Used straps on the last set. They didn't help.

Band Pull-Aparts:
3x20- Mini
Varying grip width.

Face Pulls:
1x10 - 20lbs
Whatever, not bothering with these.
Ate like shit yesterday, weighed in at 183.4 this morning. Ate a huge bowl of pasta earlier today; returning to my barbaric ways in about an hour.

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