Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2011-02-08 Dead and Bench


Steak and Mushrooms

Creatine - just now
Fish Oil - half just now, half later
ZMA - prebed

Actually AT 11:15 today, 'cuz I have to wake up in the morning.

Training: Lifting

Warmup - many band gms, lots of rolling hamstring, 10lbs on Diesel (free standing rather than on a bench this time)

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225
3x5 - 280lbs
First set was double overhand; alternated grip on the other two, switching each set. I'll "off-hand" for the deload and entire next cycle, then alternate it on a per-cycle basis to keep my traps relatively even.

Bench: 45, 95, 135
3x5 - 190lbs
Tough. At this point I'm pretty much at where I was when I started, methinks.
Touch-and-go, though. I'll start pausing during the deload (watch as I fail miserably on 195, lol).

5x 160, 135, 135
Dropped down. Held the final rep of the 3rd set.

Will do 100 band pull-aparts every day rather than Face Pulls. It doesn't look like the RSF are replacing the ropes any time soon.

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