Friday, February 18, 2011

2011-02-18 Dead and Bench

180.8 (wtf)

Curry or something like it (maybe just try a biryani with fucktons of lamb)

Creatine - eventually
Fish Oil - eventually


Training: Dead Day

Warmup - Relatively light. My flexibility's picking up, I think.

Deadlift - 135, 185, 225
3x5 - 285lbs
The week before I injured myself, I did 5x3 at 295 with some psyching. I think I actually went higher than that for doubles (5x3 at 330, I think?), but this was just plain ole' good-fashioned effort (and chalk). I'm gaining on myself. Hoping to hit 315 for 3x5 before I heavily stall (lightly stall is harder to gauge, because resetting between reps gives me a bit of maneuvering room with breathing...I noticed this today. <.<).

Bench: 45, 95, 135
195lbs - 5, 5, 3 (4F)
The 5th rep of the second set was an exceedingly stupid one; I wound up protracting my shoulders to get it up and thus losing any base from which to rotate my elbows in to lock it out. I'm tempted to count it as 4, but...I won't.
Had Rachel and Luis side-spot on the last set. Turned out not to be necessary (they certainly helped, but I think Greg could have handled it alone), but...yeah.
Will get next time.

3x5 - 140lbs

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