Thursday, February 3, 2011

2011-02-03 Dead and Bench


Steak and Mushrooms

Creatine - pretty sure I took this earlier...but another 5g won't kill me.
Fish Oil - took half before training. Half after S&M.
ZMA - prebed.

Ideally 11:15, realistically whenever I finish my (easy-as-fuck) Biochem homework.

Warmup - 10lbs on the Dieselcrew

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225
3x5 - 275lbs
I remember when this was a psyched-up full-on hell effort to get for 1x5. Now I'm taking it double overhand (albeit with chalk) and only losing it on the last rep of the last set with no psyche-up whatsoever.
Can't wait until I'm doing this with 315.

Bench: 45, 95, 135
3x5 - 185lbs
I remember when this was my 1RM and I wound up bitching out some idiot who couldn't follow the simple instruction of "Don't touch it unless I say to." >.>
Form's improving here. The pain where the lateral distal head of my radius meets my hand (hey, I remember shit from Honors Physio, sweet) is decreasing as I increase massage on my forearm. I need to do more aggressive work on my hamstring.
And yeah, these were hard. Still, it's a nice achievement (..."achievement").

3x5 - 155lbs
I'm getting progressively more generous with what I let slide on these. At this point the bar's barely below my chin. I may reset to 135 (which would have me switching to pullups at around the time I should be at 315 on deads) at some point...not sure. I'll definitely drop down once I'm no longer able to get the bar under my chin.

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