Monday, March 28, 2011

2011-03-28 Dead and Bench

Warmup - As usual, but less.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 275
315lbs - 3x5
Left palm forward.
Did this while playing Lady Marmalade in my head. It was hilarious.
Got kinda adrenalized before the first set. It was hilarious.
Focusing on getting my hips slightly lower and arching my back hard helped a lot. 3rd set was probably one of the best heavy sets of deads I've ever done (...dunno if it was even THAT heavy, lol).

Interlude - FUCK. I was going to do a 365 unrack on Squats. Goddammit.

Bench: 45, 95, 135
205lbs - 4, 2 (3F), 5
Wrists snapped back on the 3rd rep of the second set. Took me a sec to get them back in position while the bar was on my chest, then pressed it up (with spot assistance) really easily, lol.
Weirded out like fuck @ Set 3, but I guess this means I should have it for sufficient reps next time.

+5lbs - 3x5
Third set was with my Press grip, which worked a tad better.

Band Pull-Aparts:
Mini - 5x20, varying grips

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