Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2015-03-23 Olympic

Diesel - 2.5s*3
Bat Wings - 5lbs*5 (squeeze those lats, bro)
Banded Bridge - Green*5*Close, Wide
Snatch Drop - 65lbs*5

Snatch Pull -
65*2 - Smacked myself in the balls
Really need to work on these; time to watch some Olympic videos. The big thing right now seems to be slow first pull and very rapid jump-shrug.
Looking at Lu Xiaojun, he's starting very low (below parallel) with a wide, outside-shoulder stance. Hips rise fast to keep his shoulders forward and over the bar with shins vertical; back angle relative to the floor stays approximately the same. Bar passes knees and knees slide forward, hips start to extend, bar hits the "power point," hips fully extend and the shrug starts. Once the bar's moving freely, drops slightly back, down, then slightly forward to catch it. Video's still important but I guess there's a decent outline right there. Also found another video that might offer some instructive points.

Hang Snatch -
These are getting a little better, though keeping elbows out is a bit weird because the rotation flips at the catch.
Then came up again, and it turns out elbows should be externally rotated at the top the way though with shoulders shrugged up. Wonderful, I was doing it right to begin with.
That said, without the snatch pulls it's going to be hard to integrate this properly. Side videos will be important. These are a great trap hit, though they're also hurting my hands somewhat. Straps seem stupid right now though - strapping 70lbs?

Clean and Two Jerks -
The bar's probably too close to my body; it'd be best to pull it from further away and then blast it up once it crosses the knee.
Again, Lu starts below parallel, but with a very slightly closer stance? Hips rise so the bar stays clear, but now they're rising faster than shoulders until about 2/3 of the way up the shins (vertical) and then extends a little at the hip. Pushes knees forward once it's passed, then drags bar up the thighs to the power point. Jump-shrug, then closes with the bar and flips under into position.
During the jerk the bar actually doesn't change position much. Dip, drive, and then just drop the second it passes his forehead - at that point it actually doesn't change position until his elbows lock and it starts dropping with him.

Thinking in future it'd be better to do 2 Cleans 1 Jerk and then 1 Clean 2 Jerks; one for heavier technique practice and the other for jerk volume.

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