Thursday, March 26, 2015

2015-03-25 Bench

Diesel - 2.5s*3
Bat Wings - 5lbs*5
Bridge - Close*5, Wide*5
Push-Up - 10*2

Bench Press -
Having trouble keeping the right scapula locked down. Pulling the bar apart helps a lot with the flare Nuckols talked about recently, but the stability problem's still there. Not clear if it's the Olympic work or the get-ups.

Alternating DB Curl -
Bicep asymmetry is really coming out - the right side got hit way harder by these. Time to take the weight up, though.

Lat Activation Pulldown -
There's a way stronger pulling sensation on the right, and it's hard to say what's causing it. It's probably time to start lat rolling again.

Hard-Style Plank - 10/10*8, 2
TRX Row - 8*3
Power Pull - 8*3
Farmer Carry - 30lbs*4, 20lbs*6, 20lbs*8

For the planks, it's getting close to time to drop the rest periods or increase the hold length. Rows were ok; I focused mostly on maintaining neutral thoracic (which might have slipped into extension - something to watch for). Same story with the power pulls, but even harder there - something's definitely thrown the shoulder off. Farmer Carries with 30 set off some pain, so 20lbs again for now. Those are a pretty obvious cause of the deadlift issue, though - it's a huge hit on my grip.

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