Monday, May 31, 2010

2010-05-31 ME Lower

Fucking hell, I need to get my work capacity up. Not living in Berkeley means I'm not walking up and down hills on an hourly basis, and it shows. My god.

Oh, I also have barely eaten for the last few days and got totally hammered Thursday night, but I don't plan to repeat that for at least another year.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup

Deadlift: 135
3x 185, 225, 275, 315, 345
I may start standing up and resetting between reps; last rep with 345 was horrible, presumably because my setup. Also, the knurl on the bars here is absolutely shit, and even chalk has only a limited boosting factor...but hey, at least I can USE the chalk without having to be secretive.
Oh, and PR. Going for 385 next week.

4x5ea - 75lbs each hand
This totally destroyed me.

45-Degree Hyper:
4x10 - 80lb DB on chest
This had me damn-near passing out in my car.

AFK/buying sled.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

2010-05-27 ME Upper

Pretty decent.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup

Floor Press: 45, 95
3x 135, 165
1x 190, 210, 200, 200
The second shot with 200 was completely hilarious; my spotter grabbed the bar about halfway up and pulled it about 2/3 of the way to lockout, so I told him to fuck off, took it back down to about an inch below where he'd grabbed it, and finished the rep. I consider it a valid rep.

JM Press: 45
5x 60
8x 65, 65, 65
Getting a numbness in my thumbs from this; I'm switching to rolling DB extensions for the time being, methinks.

Lat Pulldown:
10x 55, 70, 70, 70, 55
Using the cues from a recent T-Nation article.
I'm doing these in place of grip work (which I don't usually do anyway) on SE Lower for this cycle, too. If it pays off and gets my lats moving, sweet. If it doesn't, at least I got my 3-week break from doing pull-ups.

Chest-Supported Row:
10x 70, 70, 70
(I don't know the weight of the arm, so that's just the weight I added).
...not as good as last time. I may continue to do these in place of or in addition to my rear delt work on ME Upper, given that it gets the Wendler stamp of approval as a movement and I only have access to it when I'm in SD.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2010-05-25 ME Lower

Had to skip some sessions, but w/e. I got stronger.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup

Olympic Squat: 95lbs
3x 135, 185, 225
1x 255, 285, 315, 325, 335
...yeah, I got stronger. I don't know if the plates there are lighter, if I just got massively better at the form as a consequence of the triples, or whatever...hell, maybe I was fucking up and doing a hybrid of Oly and PL...but this was a pretty epic PR right here. >.>
Bodes well for my deads.

Front Squat: 5x 135
3x5 - 205lbs
Holy fucking shit, I have sheet of fucking concrete running up and down my back. To call this "Soft tissue restriction" would be like calling my ex's vagina "nice." Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Rolling time.

45-Degree Back Raise:
3x10 - 75lb DB on chest
Didn't want to push this, given that I still have the tension headache I gave myself ~1 month ago.

Didn't do the ab work because I was tired and wanted to go home. >.>

Monday, May 24, 2010

2010-05-24 ME Upper

Felt good today, even though Tsu made a bit of a spotting error.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup: 5lbs

Floor Press: 45
3x 95, 120, 145, 170
2.5x 190
2x 190
Tsu touched the bar on the 3rd of 190; I asked him not to in future and I think he’ll listen. However, I know I would have gotten it, and went I went for it non-psyched a few minutes later just to get a double, it felt like I had a 3rd in me, so I’m counting it as a 3RM.

75lbs – 6, 5, 4
Failed the 7th on the first set. Probably didn’t wait long enough after Floor Press.

8, 6-7, , 6, 5 w/ Negative
Not destroying my triceps probably contributed to my bonus numbers here.
I anticipate these getting better as a consequence of lat activation work over the next few weeks.

FatGripz DB Cleans:
20s x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
No Fatgripz on the final set.

Plate Halo:
4×10 – 25lb Plate

Possibly the last time I'll ever get to train with Jose. Pity.

Currently back in SD, haven't had much real gym access. I'll get in ME Lower and ME Upper this week, then change my schedule to MWFSu when I get back from Vegas.

Monday, May 17, 2010

2010-05-17 ME Lower

Cut this one short because I started coughing up small chunks of vomit during the Hatfield Back Raises. Not doing those again; I'll find another low back exercise to complement the 45-Degree Raises. Possibly regular Back Raises, though those usually leave me feeling very light-headed.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs
GHR - 5

High-Bar Squat: 95, 135
3x 185, 225, 250, 275, 290
Q: What's the easiest cure for the rage induced by knowing that a few months back you were getting laid via a cute, reasonably intelligent, sex-addicted Asian girl with the emotional development of a 15-year-old, but now are not?
A: High-bar squatting for the first time ever.
Quads definitely felt these.
Also, I now understand perfectly why the guys at Average Broz tend to drop straight into their squats - when you're taking them high-bar, rapid descent just feels so natural. I'm basically just jumping out of the hole. Feels great.

GHR w/ 25lb Plate on Face:
8, 8, 7, 6, 6
Fuck yeah.

Hatfield Back Raise w/ 2 45lb DBs:
10, 10, 10
Yeah, not doing these again. Cut it short.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

2010-05-16 SE Upper

Finals. Bloody finals. Are done.

This means I now have a full summer of consuming a fairly paleolithic diet, which will hopefully get me to a reasonably lean 180 or above.

Pause Bench: 45, 95, 95, 135
6x3 - 155lbs
Need to stop trying to unrack the 135.
Gradually improving my form here. I think I may need to put one DE day in every so often to remind me that I have to press fucking fast, but I'm not sure if those helped in the first place. I'll try just pressing fucking fast all the time first.

Pause Incline: 45, 95
125lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
Failed the 25th rep. Will go for 5x5 with 130 next week, and be a bit more careful. Need to remember to press this fucking fast, too - first couple of sets were crap, then I started pushing AFAP and it felt really fucking light.

FatGripz DB Floor Press, 1ct pause on ground:
5x10 - 45lbs
Given the nature of accessory work on Westside, I'm torn between just repeating this next week or going up to the 50lb dumbbells.

Seated Cable Row:
5x10 - 70lbs
Picked a different handle today and focused on pulling with my elbows and little fingers. Worked very well; not quite as huge a lat feeling as I've gotten with the other handle, but first time in a while that I've gotten the good feeling in my lats.
Also, I may have access to a chest-supported row for the second half of the training cycle, which will rock.

Plate Halo:
4x10 - 25lbs
Alternated starting with right and left sides. Got some satisfying scar tissue breakup crackling in my right shoulder.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2010-05-12 SE Lower

Finals week, which means insufficient sleep and several major tests in rapid succession. Today felt like crap. Not shit - still doing decently well - but definitely crap.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup, GHR

Squat: 135, 185, 225
6x3 - 255lbs
Need to roll out my hip flexors, IT band, etc. some more, and possibly go see the ART practitioner in the area to get my hip looked at.
First few sets felt like crap, last few felt better, final one felt great.

5x1 - 225lbs
Easy as usual.

Rack Pull (Box 2, Pin 3) - 135, 225, 275
5x 335, 335, 315, 315, 315
Did these with my grip flipped. This was probably not the best of ideas, as the grip was honestly the biggest problem I had here (besides the myriad technical problems I always have with these, but...uh...yeah...).

8, 7, 7, 6, 5
Need to get a foam pad or something to put in my locker (don't feel like carrying the wheel all the way to the weightroom).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

2010-05-09 ME Upper

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Pause Bench: 45, 45, 95
3x 135, 165
1x 195, 210, 200
Bad sleep circumstances and some mild caffeine abuse, plus the 340 whatever else...had me just not feeling it today. I met a guy at the Chem presentations yesterday (guess what caused the sleep issues?) who recognized me from a few months back and asked if I had boards and was available to train, and so forth; he didn't come in today, but if I can find a consistent guy for board pressing I'm going to sub that in for Incline and switch up my training cycle such that I'm never maxing out on 2 Competition lifts in the same week.
I can almost guarantee that I had 215 in me, given that I went into the 210 rep with my head out of the game, didn't engage my lats, and lost all my tightness telling my spotter to back the fuck off when it slowed down, but still locked it out. Unfortunately, that doesn't count for shit, but I'm still pretty pleased to know I got a 10lb training PR under the shittiest of all possible circumstances.

75lbs - 8, 7, 6, 5, 5

8, 5, 5, 5, 5
Thinking of formalizing a rep scheme on these and starting to add weight. The movement appears to be getting stale again, but I hate doing pull-downs and other such shit. Might try chins, I guess.

Dumbbell Cleans:
17.5lbs - 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
FatGripz for the first 2 sets, none for the last three because my wrist started giving out (...apparently my right wrist extensors suck ass).
Welp, going up to 20s next week.

Plate Halo:
25lbs - 10, 10, 10
I can't help but feel as though these plus rolling have kept my shoulders remarkably healthy. Rolling probably more so, but still.

Went in and labeled all of the boxes for the sake of consistency. I rounded the measurements up, but I know qualitatively which ones are smaller or larger, so as long as I've got the numbers down, we should be good.

Be hilarious if the RSF staff post a message asking who the fuck labeled the dimensions and ID'd each box with a sharpie.

Friday, May 7, 2010

2010-05-07 ME Lower

ME Lower

Huge fucking PR. Spent most of the week having occasional bouts of rapid heartbeat and so forth coming up to this, and now I've got it. Fucking yes.

Seriously, you guys have no idea how good I feel right now.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup: 5lbs
GHR x5

Squat: 95, 135
3x 185, 225
1x 225, 275, 315, 340, 325
I ate a bit sooner than usual before training, and while I was pretty "psyche-up buzzed" after I did the 315 rep, I wound up throwing up in my mouth a bit (water only, no actual food) a few minutes before I went for 340, which stuck me with getting myself back up. I wound up in a pretty decent place - nothing compared to my better DL days, but probably around where I was for my third attempt at the meet - set up, and arched it out of the rack.
It felt like air. This is honestly the best unracking I've had since the meet - took it out and was so focused on the lift itself that the weight barely registered. Down, up. Not perfect form, but probably around where I was for my third at the meet. Felt like I had 350 in me, but that's a matter for six weeks from now. Or possibly much, much later, for a triple instead of a single, around the time I'm putting up 375-385.

GHR: Plates in front of face
20lbs - 8, 8, 6, 6, 8
Rested a good 2 extra minutes after the 4th set; someone benching relatively large amounts of weight (225+ by someone not a whole lot bigger than me - hardly impressive by powerlifting standards, but better than all but about 4 or 5 people who train here) with his hips off the bench and an illegal wide grip asked me to spot him (...kinda called this given how many looks he was giving me, though I don't know why the hell he didn't get Tsu to do it - I mean, Tsu's not as obviously strong as Te is, but he's still significantly bigger than I am) asked me to spot him on a set of 270, and I gave him a couple of minor pointers on decreasing the ROM, gave him the address of Elite, got his name, etc.. He says he usually trains in the mornings, and I don't know if he squats or deadlifts, but he's the first guy I've encountered who trains alone and neither exudes the air of "Training alone and talking to other knowledgeable people" nor displays signs of being about to pussy out because he got a job and wants to go to the more convenient but drastically shittier gym closer to his apartment. Well, I can't really call that second one - I certainly didn't with Thomas when I met him, and look how that turned out - but still.

Hatfield Back Raise:
10x 60lbs, 90lbs, 90lbs, 90lbs
7x 90lbs
Unfortunately, I can't do these with a barbell because the handles of the bloody GHR get in the way. I can go up to 170lbs by holding a DB in each hand the way I did here, and then I can probably get higher by just taking in my handles and loading them up with plates, but still.
Oh, and btw, the back pump from these is fucking insane.

Isometric Single-Sided DB Hold: 30-count each side
85lbs, 85lbs, 85lbs, 85lbs
Oh, did I say the back pump from the Hatfield raises was insane? After the last run of these I couldn't even arch anymore because my entire core was so pumped.

So yeah, this was a really fucking good day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2010-05-05 SE Upper

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs
GHR - 5

Bench: 45, 95, 135
5x1 - 175lbs
Stretched my feet out much wider to keep my ass on the bench. Helped with tightness, but not quite so much with arch.

Incline Bench: 45, 95
125lbs - 7, 7, 5, 4, 4
Failed a 6th on the third set; gives me a fairly good impression of what "RE" means in this context.
That said, I'm strongly considering just going to 5x5 with all my supplemental work, and otherwise just generally hitting up Prilepin's table for guidelines and so forth.

DB Floor Press:
45s - 12, 12, 8, 9, 7
Form is kinda...interesting here.
Left shoulder started to click a bit on the last set. Need to start doing external rotation work and face pulls on off-days.

Seated Cable Row:
60lbs + Block - 12, 12, 12, 12, 10
...fuck it, starting to think I should go back to Barbell Rows or somesuch for this one. Why does the RSF not have a Chest-Supported Row? x.x

Plate Halo:
25lbs - 10ea, 10ea

2010-05-04 SE Lower

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs
GHR - 5

Squat: 135, 185, 225
5x1 - 280lbs
Form was pretty good by the last 280 set. Not quite as good as the 275s, but oh well.

Deadlift: 135
5x1 - 225lbs
Fast and easy.

Rack Pull (Box 1 - relatively low): 3x225, 1x275
8x 315
5x 335
5x 325
Held 315 for ~20 seconds after the 325 set in place of grip work.
Next time I'm just going to start out with 335.
4 mins rest between sets.
My back felt pretty damn fried after these, which is exactly the intention. Yay.

Hanging Leg Raise (done TPS style):
Ab Wheel isn't arriving until tomorrow, so I was stuck doing these instead of rollouts.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Random Update

Weighed in at 167 today. This is partially due to dehydration, but I'm still annoyed.

Need to go back to GOMAD and stick to it for the next three weeks. Then I'll be in SD for a few days, then dicking around in Vegas. Then back to SD for two weeks of glorious, glorious beef.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010-05-02 ME Upper

Had to go in earlier than usual because I had a date. Then she called five minutes before I finished to say she had work later and that she wanted to meet earlier and cut out around the time I would have gone to the gym in the first place. Argh.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Pause Bench: 5x45, 45, 95
3x 120, 145, 170, 195
My spot may have helped me through the sticking point on the 3rd rep of 195; as with most of the idiots at the RSF, he interpreted "hands off unless I ask for help" as "hands hovering next to the bar even after he's told me to back off twice, so I can grab it the moment it slows down." Whatever help he may have given was extremely minimal, though, and that + not knowing if he helped at all = counting it as a valid PR. I'm not going to consider it mentionable, though.

75lbs - 6, 6, 5
Cut volume here because my right shoulder is still giving me trouble. Well, the pain's actually in the humerus, but I know from experience that this is a trigger point in the shoulder.

8, 7, 5
Cut volume here because of the aforementioned date adjustment, which I received right after the last set.

FatGripz DB Clean:
15lbs - 10, 10, 10
Didn't feel like stressing the volume here too much, given the shoulder and the date.

2010-05-02 Opening Log Post

Kept my log on Xanga, then on due to my one major powerlifting contact hanging around there. He's officially left, pretty much because one of the guys from Wild Iron told him to, and his feedback, while not devoid of value, isn't as good as what I've gotten here anyway.

My program's essentially a Westside template, though I've subbed out the DE work for SE, using Prilepin's table as a guide. I do have a number of toys to play with, but at this point I've dropped bands and chains (well, I'm actually still willing to use bands for resistance on a few things, but they're no longer a particularly significant part of my training, thanks largely to my dropping DE work completely for the squat and bench and not really regarding my light speed pulls as band-worthy, or really even DE).

I'm not going to post my current training maxes because I currently only care about them because they're an indication of what my performance would be if I suddenly realized I had a meet in two weeks. My MEET PRs, however, are:

Squat: 150kg (331lbs)
Bench: 92.5kg (204lbs)
Deadlift: 167.5kg (369lbs)
These were done at 170lbs weighed in, though my bodyweight when I stepped on my scale that morning before downing my protein shake and driving to the meet was ~166, and I go by that measurement when tracking progress because it's consistent (get up, pee, step on scale).

On that note, I'm currently at 170lbs under those weighing parameters.

I'm currently training FSuTuTh for ME Lower, ME Upper, SE Lower, SE Upper, with Squat, Olympic Squat, and Deadlift as my ME Cycle on Lower days and Bench, Floor Press, Incline Bench as my ME Cycle on Upper days. Each ME movement is used for 2 weeks, the first of which has me going for a PR Triple and the second a PR Single.

The SE Work is done as:
Week 1: 5x1 @ 85% (or nothing, if very beat up)
Week 2: 6x3 @ 75% <- PR Single earlier in the week, changes # the % is based on.
Week 3: 6x3 @ 77%
Week 4: 6x3 @ 79%
Week 5: 7x2 @ 81%
Week 6: 7x2 @ 83%

Where Week 1 is the week of the PR Triple on Squats (...the numbering is for organizational convenience inside the word document I use to store the program, not because I think it makes a whole lot of sense to have the number the %s are based on change during Week 2).

Accessory and Supplemental work...will become pretty obvious soon enough, but for lower body work it's currently "Heavy Movement to build up either hams or quads," "Medium movement to build up spinal erectors," and "Fucktons of Ab Work" on ME day, and "Heavy movement that kinda resembles a squat or deadlift," "Grip," and "Ab Work" for SE Day. Upper body has "Heavy tricep extension," "Lats," and "Rear delt/upper back" for ME Day, and "Heavy Press," "Delt Work," "Horizontal Pull" for SE. I do some prehab and shit at the end of each workout, too. May or may not scrap that in favor of just running my hips and rotator cuff into the ground on the off-days. Well, not into the ground, but you get the idea.
Meets are pretty expensive and I'm busy, lazy, and in college, so I probably won't compete again until March of next year (...basically, I intend to lift in every Supertraining Gym March Madness meet from here until I die...and probably no other meets besides Raw Unity, which only comes into play after I have a total that will allow me to qualify for Raw Unity).

Goals for 2012 SPF March Madness:
Post-Piss Waking Bodyweight: ~200lbs
Weigh-In Bodyweight: Either 197 or IDGAF
Squat: 500 on 3rd attempt, state record if possible (currently 520lbs)
Bench: 315
Deadlift: 550