Sunday, May 16, 2010

2010-05-16 SE Upper

Finals. Bloody finals. Are done.

This means I now have a full summer of consuming a fairly paleolithic diet, which will hopefully get me to a reasonably lean 180 or above.

Pause Bench: 45, 95, 95, 135
6x3 - 155lbs
Need to stop trying to unrack the 135.
Gradually improving my form here. I think I may need to put one DE day in every so often to remind me that I have to press fucking fast, but I'm not sure if those helped in the first place. I'll try just pressing fucking fast all the time first.

Pause Incline: 45, 95
125lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
Failed the 25th rep. Will go for 5x5 with 130 next week, and be a bit more careful. Need to remember to press this fucking fast, too - first couple of sets were crap, then I started pushing AFAP and it felt really fucking light.

FatGripz DB Floor Press, 1ct pause on ground:
5x10 - 45lbs
Given the nature of accessory work on Westside, I'm torn between just repeating this next week or going up to the 50lb dumbbells.

Seated Cable Row:
5x10 - 70lbs
Picked a different handle today and focused on pulling with my elbows and little fingers. Worked very well; not quite as huge a lat feeling as I've gotten with the other handle, but first time in a while that I've gotten the good feeling in my lats.
Also, I may have access to a chest-supported row for the second half of the training cycle, which will rock.

Plate Halo:
4x10 - 25lbs
Alternated starting with right and left sides. Got some satisfying scar tissue breakup crackling in my right shoulder.

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