Thursday, May 27, 2010

2010-05-27 ME Upper

Pretty decent.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup

Floor Press: 45, 95
3x 135, 165
1x 190, 210, 200, 200
The second shot with 200 was completely hilarious; my spotter grabbed the bar about halfway up and pulled it about 2/3 of the way to lockout, so I told him to fuck off, took it back down to about an inch below where he'd grabbed it, and finished the rep. I consider it a valid rep.

JM Press: 45
5x 60
8x 65, 65, 65
Getting a numbness in my thumbs from this; I'm switching to rolling DB extensions for the time being, methinks.

Lat Pulldown:
10x 55, 70, 70, 70, 55
Using the cues from a recent T-Nation article.
I'm doing these in place of grip work (which I don't usually do anyway) on SE Lower for this cycle, too. If it pays off and gets my lats moving, sweet. If it doesn't, at least I got my 3-week break from doing pull-ups.

Chest-Supported Row:
10x 70, 70, 70
(I don't know the weight of the arm, so that's just the weight I added).
...not as good as last time. I may continue to do these in place of or in addition to my rear delt work on ME Upper, given that it gets the Wendler stamp of approval as a movement and I only have access to it when I'm in SD.

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