Sunday, May 9, 2010

2010-05-09 ME Upper

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Pause Bench: 45, 45, 95
3x 135, 165
1x 195, 210, 200
Bad sleep circumstances and some mild caffeine abuse, plus the 340 whatever else...had me just not feeling it today. I met a guy at the Chem presentations yesterday (guess what caused the sleep issues?) who recognized me from a few months back and asked if I had boards and was available to train, and so forth; he didn't come in today, but if I can find a consistent guy for board pressing I'm going to sub that in for Incline and switch up my training cycle such that I'm never maxing out on 2 Competition lifts in the same week.
I can almost guarantee that I had 215 in me, given that I went into the 210 rep with my head out of the game, didn't engage my lats, and lost all my tightness telling my spotter to back the fuck off when it slowed down, but still locked it out. Unfortunately, that doesn't count for shit, but I'm still pretty pleased to know I got a 10lb training PR under the shittiest of all possible circumstances.

75lbs - 8, 7, 6, 5, 5

8, 5, 5, 5, 5
Thinking of formalizing a rep scheme on these and starting to add weight. The movement appears to be getting stale again, but I hate doing pull-downs and other such shit. Might try chins, I guess.

Dumbbell Cleans:
17.5lbs - 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
FatGripz for the first 2 sets, none for the last three because my wrist started giving out (...apparently my right wrist extensors suck ass).
Welp, going up to 20s next week.

Plate Halo:
25lbs - 10, 10, 10
I can't help but feel as though these plus rolling have kept my shoulders remarkably healthy. Rolling probably more so, but still.

Went in and labeled all of the boxes for the sake of consistency. I rounded the measurements up, but I know qualitatively which ones are smaller or larger, so as long as I've got the numbers down, we should be good.

Be hilarious if the RSF staff post a message asking who the fuck labeled the dimensions and ID'd each box with a sharpie.

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