Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010-05-02 Opening Log Post

Kept my log on Xanga, then on due to my one major powerlifting contact hanging around there. He's officially left, pretty much because one of the guys from Wild Iron told him to, and his feedback, while not devoid of value, isn't as good as what I've gotten here anyway.

My program's essentially a Westside template, though I've subbed out the DE work for SE, using Prilepin's table as a guide. I do have a number of toys to play with, but at this point I've dropped bands and chains (well, I'm actually still willing to use bands for resistance on a few things, but they're no longer a particularly significant part of my training, thanks largely to my dropping DE work completely for the squat and bench and not really regarding my light speed pulls as band-worthy, or really even DE).

I'm not going to post my current training maxes because I currently only care about them because they're an indication of what my performance would be if I suddenly realized I had a meet in two weeks. My MEET PRs, however, are:

Squat: 150kg (331lbs)
Bench: 92.5kg (204lbs)
Deadlift: 167.5kg (369lbs)
These were done at 170lbs weighed in, though my bodyweight when I stepped on my scale that morning before downing my protein shake and driving to the meet was ~166, and I go by that measurement when tracking progress because it's consistent (get up, pee, step on scale).

On that note, I'm currently at 170lbs under those weighing parameters.

I'm currently training FSuTuTh for ME Lower, ME Upper, SE Lower, SE Upper, with Squat, Olympic Squat, and Deadlift as my ME Cycle on Lower days and Bench, Floor Press, Incline Bench as my ME Cycle on Upper days. Each ME movement is used for 2 weeks, the first of which has me going for a PR Triple and the second a PR Single.

The SE Work is done as:
Week 1: 5x1 @ 85% (or nothing, if very beat up)
Week 2: 6x3 @ 75% <- PR Single earlier in the week, changes # the % is based on.
Week 3: 6x3 @ 77%
Week 4: 6x3 @ 79%
Week 5: 7x2 @ 81%
Week 6: 7x2 @ 83%

Where Week 1 is the week of the PR Triple on Squats (...the numbering is for organizational convenience inside the word document I use to store the program, not because I think it makes a whole lot of sense to have the number the %s are based on change during Week 2).

Accessory and Supplemental work...will become pretty obvious soon enough, but for lower body work it's currently "Heavy Movement to build up either hams or quads," "Medium movement to build up spinal erectors," and "Fucktons of Ab Work" on ME day, and "Heavy movement that kinda resembles a squat or deadlift," "Grip," and "Ab Work" for SE Day. Upper body has "Heavy tricep extension," "Lats," and "Rear delt/upper back" for ME Day, and "Heavy Press," "Delt Work," "Horizontal Pull" for SE. I do some prehab and shit at the end of each workout, too. May or may not scrap that in favor of just running my hips and rotator cuff into the ground on the off-days. Well, not into the ground, but you get the idea.
Meets are pretty expensive and I'm busy, lazy, and in college, so I probably won't compete again until March of next year (...basically, I intend to lift in every Supertraining Gym March Madness meet from here until I die...and probably no other meets besides Raw Unity, which only comes into play after I have a total that will allow me to qualify for Raw Unity).

Goals for 2012 SPF March Madness:
Post-Piss Waking Bodyweight: ~200lbs
Weigh-In Bodyweight: Either 197 or IDGAF
Squat: 500 on 3rd attempt, state record if possible (currently 520lbs)
Bench: 315
Deadlift: 550

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