Friday, April 30, 2010

2010-04-30 ME Lower

I am your Battle Priest.

Headache came back during my Squat PR, and got worse when I tried to do some back work after the Glute-Hams. I'm rolling the **** out of everything for...well, the rest of my life.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup
6 GHR reps

Squat: 95, 95, 135
3x 185, 225, 265, 305, 315
Lost the third rep of 315 forward...and then let out arguably the saddest growl ever in the process of forcing it back into the groove and locking it out.

GHR: 10lbs
5x8 - 15lbs
PR here too.

Did a few reps of Hatfield Back Raises but called it quits when my headache came back.

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