Saturday, April 3, 2010

2010-04-03 ME Lower

That said, given my quad discovery, I'm strongly considering following Wendler's example on the GMs and just dropping the damn things in favor of maxing out on High-Bar or Manta Ray squats, and using Rack Pulls as a supplemental movement for my high-intensity back strengthener. This is partially due to my lack of desire to buy any new stuff this month (went over budget by about $150 last month...spring break + meet in the same month was NOT easy on my wallet) and inability to keep the bar in place when GMing anything over around 225lbs. If I move my grip out (potentially beneficial for keeping the bar held down), I lose tightness...etc..


DieselCrew Shoulder Warmup

GMs: 45, 45, 95
3x 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 235, 255
Not shooting for a PR today, just tying the old one...which is old. Part of the reason I hate GMs is that thanks to the bar rolling issue, my form is completely inconsistent (since I have to start the concentric the moment the bar starts to roll or risk a neck injury) and I can't set any new PRs (due to the shifting lever arm). Suspended would fix both of these, but given that none of my DL or Squat issues appear to be hip- or back- dependent...yeah.

GHR w/ Plate on Face:
15lbs - 6
2 reps with 15, then 2 with 10...or something
10lbs - 7, 5, 5
****ed up the machine setup for the 2nd set. Form was horrific on the first set (huge back dependence). 10lbs went better.

So there we have it, Jon's changing his ME Rotation. Setting up ME ME and DE Supp as:
MEME: Powerlifting Squat, Olympic Squat, Conventional Deadlift
DESu: Rack Pull, Front Squat
2 and 3 weeks per movement, respectively. Rack Pulls to build back strength, Front Squats to build up the quads, glutes, and abs.

I've been strongly considering shooting for a PR Triple on week 1 of each ME movement and then a PR Single on week 2, as well. Since I'm (probably) switching my ME Movement to something I can reasonably go for a Max Single on, it seems as though this might be prudent.

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