Friday, May 7, 2010

2010-05-07 ME Lower

ME Lower

Huge fucking PR. Spent most of the week having occasional bouts of rapid heartbeat and so forth coming up to this, and now I've got it. Fucking yes.

Seriously, you guys have no idea how good I feel right now.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup: 5lbs
GHR x5

Squat: 95, 135
3x 185, 225
1x 225, 275, 315, 340, 325
I ate a bit sooner than usual before training, and while I was pretty "psyche-up buzzed" after I did the 315 rep, I wound up throwing up in my mouth a bit (water only, no actual food) a few minutes before I went for 340, which stuck me with getting myself back up. I wound up in a pretty decent place - nothing compared to my better DL days, but probably around where I was for my third attempt at the meet - set up, and arched it out of the rack.
It felt like air. This is honestly the best unracking I've had since the meet - took it out and was so focused on the lift itself that the weight barely registered. Down, up. Not perfect form, but probably around where I was for my third at the meet. Felt like I had 350 in me, but that's a matter for six weeks from now. Or possibly much, much later, for a triple instead of a single, around the time I'm putting up 375-385.

GHR: Plates in front of face
20lbs - 8, 8, 6, 6, 8
Rested a good 2 extra minutes after the 4th set; someone benching relatively large amounts of weight (225+ by someone not a whole lot bigger than me - hardly impressive by powerlifting standards, but better than all but about 4 or 5 people who train here) with his hips off the bench and an illegal wide grip asked me to spot him (...kinda called this given how many looks he was giving me, though I don't know why the hell he didn't get Tsu to do it - I mean, Tsu's not as obviously strong as Te is, but he's still significantly bigger than I am) asked me to spot him on a set of 270, and I gave him a couple of minor pointers on decreasing the ROM, gave him the address of Elite, got his name, etc.. He says he usually trains in the mornings, and I don't know if he squats or deadlifts, but he's the first guy I've encountered who trains alone and neither exudes the air of "Training alone and talking to other knowledgeable people" nor displays signs of being about to pussy out because he got a job and wants to go to the more convenient but drastically shittier gym closer to his apartment. Well, I can't really call that second one - I certainly didn't with Thomas when I met him, and look how that turned out - but still.

Hatfield Back Raise:
10x 60lbs, 90lbs, 90lbs, 90lbs
7x 90lbs
Unfortunately, I can't do these with a barbell because the handles of the bloody GHR get in the way. I can go up to 170lbs by holding a DB in each hand the way I did here, and then I can probably get higher by just taking in my handles and loading them up with plates, but still.
Oh, and btw, the back pump from these is fucking insane.

Isometric Single-Sided DB Hold: 30-count each side
85lbs, 85lbs, 85lbs, 85lbs
Oh, did I say the back pump from the Hatfield raises was insane? After the last run of these I couldn't even arch anymore because my entire core was so pumped.

So yeah, this was a really fucking good day.

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