Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010-05-02 ME Upper

Had to go in earlier than usual because I had a date. Then she called five minutes before I finished to say she had work later and that she wanted to meet earlier and cut out around the time I would have gone to the gym in the first place. Argh.

Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup - 5lbs

Pause Bench: 5x45, 45, 95
3x 120, 145, 170, 195
My spot may have helped me through the sticking point on the 3rd rep of 195; as with most of the idiots at the RSF, he interpreted "hands off unless I ask for help" as "hands hovering next to the bar even after he's told me to back off twice, so I can grab it the moment it slows down." Whatever help he may have given was extremely minimal, though, and that + not knowing if he helped at all = counting it as a valid PR. I'm not going to consider it mentionable, though.

75lbs - 6, 6, 5
Cut volume here because my right shoulder is still giving me trouble. Well, the pain's actually in the humerus, but I know from experience that this is a trigger point in the shoulder.

8, 7, 5
Cut volume here because of the aforementioned date adjustment, which I received right after the last set.

FatGripz DB Clean:
15lbs - 10, 10, 10
Didn't feel like stressing the volume here too much, given the shoulder and the date.

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