Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2010-11-17 Deadlift and Bench

Warmup - Rolling w/ Foam Roller and Lacrosse Ball, Band GMs, Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup w/ 7.5lb DBs (waaaay harder than 5lbs)

Switched to 3x5 for the sake of time. Not switching to full-out SS, though...I like deadlifts too much.

Deadlift: 135, 135, 185
3x5 - 225lbs
Decided my starting weights will be 95 for Press (resetting down to this), 135 for Bench, 185 for Squat, and 225 for Dead. Pulldowns and DB Rows I'm approaching somewhat more chaotically, because they don't follow the same loading patterns (well...they could, actually, given that I have Olympic Handles...hrm, maybe I'll take one in).
These went well. I didn't record any extensive comments in my log, but besides Deads currently being a huge crapshoot after 3 reps, there was nothing particularly wrong here.
My conditioning is still somewhat lackluster, probably because a 100ft sled drag takes 20 seconds, whereas a serious set on any of the big 3 takes around 45 including setup. I'm going to keep going at my current pace until I'm loading up all my plates (for a total of 365lbs + the weight of the sled), and then go by feel on trip length/number. After that I'll probably start pulling it up the hill of death.

Bench: 45, 45, 95
3x5 - 135lbs
Unlike last week, when the guys using the good bench asked why I didn't want to use the bad one and switched when I changed, this week's guys just said they had 4 sets left and then muttered to each other about the other one being free, so the training session went over by about 10-15 minutes. I do not understand why the RSF only has one good bench.
(Clarification - I can't arch on the other one. There's no real padding on it, and the material's slippery as hell, so I slide around like nobody's business. I used it for a single at 225 [or something] a while back without much issue, I'm pretty uncomfortable setting up on it for a serious set).

3x5 - 105lbs
First set was great, second meh, third also great.

Face Pulls:
3x8 - 20lbs
I may go up on weight for these.

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