Thursday, June 9, 2011

2011-06-09 Deadlift and Bench

Warmup - as usual

Deadlift: 185, 225, 275, 315
390lbs - 5, 5, 4
I actually think I COULD have had this for 3x5, but the 4th rep on set 3 fell away from me a bit and my grip was giving out. I put it back into the rack as 315 a while later; couldn't double-overhand it, but was able to take it to lockout with mixed grip.
I have to start doing 315 double overhand on warmups starting with the next increase. Yay?

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135, 185
215lbs - 5, 5, 4 (5F)
I think I mentally checked out after #4 on the 3rd set; I took the 5th down too fast and couldn't get it off the floor.
My belly's now big enough that a mild arch on Floor Press has me touching (just barely). Yay! (I say this mostly because it means I'm going to have phenomenally easy bench progress once I switch back).
Need to practice bench form...well, maybe. Dunno.

DB Rows:
87.5lbs - 3x 5/5
Easy on both sides.

+5lbs - 3x10
Last few on the final set were questionable, but I'm calling them fine.
Probably won't be able to do these on the deload, damn.

Heavy Walkouts:
365lbs - held for 30sec
405lbs - held for 30sec
I've got a trigger point on my left bicep/brachialis (dunno which) that's making my elbow hurt a bit when I squat. Will try to massage it out in SD.
Otherwise, these were both easier and more comfortable than they have been in the past. Taking my squat grip out to middle fingers on the rings (yay inflexible shoulders? dunno how much of the issue is straight mass).

I need to start walking places so I can climb up the hill outside my house every day again. Or, uh, maybe just take a one-hour walk as incidental exercise every day so I can stop feeling like such a deconditioned fat bastard. Lulz.

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