Monday, June 20, 2011

2011-06-20 Deadlift, Bench, and programming

Warmup - As usual.

Deadlift: 185, 225, 275. Mixed grip 315, 365
397.5lbs - 5, 5, 3, 1
Lockout on the 5th rep of set 2 was a tad questionable.
Only have video for sets 3 and 4.
Tried to DOH 315 back into the rack but started too close and got it caught under the hooks. Lulz. I really wish the RSF could get a fucking DL jack.
Going for 405 on Friday.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135, 185
220lbs - 4, 3, 3
Warmups weren't quite as helpful as I'd've liked; I wasn't paying close attention, methinks. Retaking this on Friday.

DB Rows:
90lbs - 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
Yay. Also appears that 4:40 is the "correct" rest time for these.
I'm considering shortening it a bit so my workouts don't run for quite as long.

Hack Squats:
135lbs - 10

45-Degree Hyper:
80lbs - 10
Until I get a trap bar, I'm doing 1 (possibly 2) sets each of Hack Squats and RDLs. I'll probably use the same weight for both.
Picked RDLs because they do a better job of hitting my lower back and 45-degree hypers do; I credit this mostly to the fact that my back seems to have gotten a LOT stronger since the last time I really did 45d, whereas the improvements in hamstring strength probably aren't quite as great.

Right now it seems like my lockout's the biggest problem on deads. Farmer's Walk should fix this.

Dunno when I'll pick up the trap bar. Not sure when I'll buy more plates; I may go out to Play It Again tomorrow so I can get the the 25s, 10s, 5s, and 2.5s (...the lattermost mostly for OCD reasons). Will also look into getting some more GOOD screw clamps, seeing as the thicker ones from Elite are epic and the thinner ones suck balls.

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