Friday, June 24, 2011

2011-06-24 Dead and Bench

Warmup - As usual

Deadlift: 185, 225, 275 (DOH); 315, 365 (Mixed)
405lbs - 3, 2, 1
Definitely under-recovering. I'm going to go back to what I was doing before, only now I'll be waking up earlier and having a post-workout shake (which I will not count towards my daily intake of protein, carbs, and calories).
These all looked better than the single from a while back, and I held the last one for around 10 seconds at the end.

Floor Press: 45, 95x2, 135, 185
220lbs - 5, 4 (5F), 4 (5F), 2
Going up next time.

DB Row:
92.5lbs - 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
Easy enough.

205lbs - 10
Might go for 215 next time.

Hack Squat:
205lbs - 3
Not sure what I'm going to do here; I definitely can't do Hack Squats, 'cuz the bar keeps smacking into my hamstrings and getting stuck.

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