Thursday, August 18, 2011

2011-08-18 Intensity

Warmup - 10 on the Bridges and GHRs, 10lbs on the Diesel

Squat: 2x45, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275; 315x2, 335x2
355lbs - 5
Would have liked a depth call on these but oh well. The first three might have been cut a bit (probably still past IPF legal, knowing me), but the last two were definitely sunk deep. The 4th involved a huge amount of GMing and I almost put it back in the rack, but then went for a 5th and got it. My log now has a caption on this page that reads:
"You are capable of more than you think you are."
Faggy, yeah, but w/e. I'll probably find some means of putting that on the cover of my next one.
Two weeks until I'm getting 5 reps with my last tested 1RM.

Press: 45, 95, 135x3
152.5lbs - 5, 5, 3, 2
2nd set was the best by far.
Fucked up my breathing on the 3rd one (iirc I did 2 reps instead of 3 on the first breath) and decided it'd be unwise to go for a 4th. Definitely had it in me with correct breathing, though, so I waited 5 minutes and did a 4th set. Knew the plateau on this would break eventually.

Deadlift: 152.5, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365x2
400lbs - 5
Had a bit of shoulder weirdness on the 365 set, but 400 had no such problems. 400 honestly wasn't that hard, lol.
Starting to regret taking those 10lb jumps everywhere though, lol. The fact that everything's moving as fast as it is makes me think that that head start would have been a huge asset.

Face Pulls:
2x15 - 20lbs

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