Friday, August 26, 2011

2011-08-26 Intensity

Warmup - As usual. Fuck, so many people in the RSF.

Squat: 2x45, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275; 315x2, 335x3
360lbs - 5
All the weights today felt light. Every one of them just felt abnormally..."non-loady"...whenever I took them out of the rack.
I'm not sure if I'm going to keep going up 5lbs on Intensity or switch to 7.5. Whenever I got up 10 the entire following week sucks, whenever I go up 5 the following week's too easy.
Plus if I do 7.5 here I'll be at 405x5 in 6 weeks instead of 9. Fuck, I love the Texas Method.

Bench: 45, 2x95, 135, 185
220lbs - 5, 5, 4
Popped something in the meat of my right hand (similar to what happened when I "tore" my hamstring, at least in feeling) after the first set. Or possibly before.
First two sets were a tad iffy, third one I had a ton of wrist issues and after a fairly hard 4th rep decided not to risk dying on the 5th.

Deadlift: 185, 225, 275, 315, 365
405lbs - 4
Apparently the rounding here was really bad.
I wasn't really motivated at this point, lol.
Thinking I'll go for this again next week. Strongly considering getting the chains for Speed Pulls.
Also need to start doing ab work.

Face Pulls:
2x12 - 20lbs
Held about half of these at the end for ~1 second. Going to keep working on this.

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