Friday, October 7, 2011

2011-10-07 Intensity

Warmup - As usual

Squat: 2x45, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315
380lbs - 1
My quads were hating me by the time I finished 315
Not surprising given that I have eaten like absolute shit for the last 7 days
Rep was deep, though

75lbs - 3x5
Doing the Rippetoe thing and starting with my elbows "north" of my head helps to take the strain off of the medial tendon, lol.
Guessing it's because it helps to stop me from going into wrist flexion.

Prone Internal Rotation:
+2.5lbs - 3x5, 3 second holds on each rep
My right and left sides feel so fucking different when I depress my scapula

Trying a Lalonde-esque Paleo thing for the next month or so; more variety of meat, add in some different vegetables, etc.. The vege part's going to be hard for me because I like to just whip something up on a pan or in the oven, put it on a plate, and go. Doing shit like slicing up bell peppers or whatever will be a new experience.

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