Monday, October 3, 2011

2011-10-03 Volume


Squat: 45, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275
5x5 - 335lbs
Took it down slightly
This was actually harder than I thought it would be
Nowhere near as hard as 337.5lbs was last week, admittedly, but the lower weight meant I could force myself to maintain better technique, which made a lot of the reps artificially harder as I forced myself to use my quads
Considering buying some straps and doing medium front squats on Wednesdays or something

3x5 - 75lbs
Assuming the EZ Curl bar weighs 25lbs
First set was hard as fuck, but the rest were pretty easy. I probably just needed to rest more after the squats
Kinda overdid it on the rest times here, too
Not sure how I'll approach this progression-wise.

Prone Internal Rotations:
3x8 - 2.5lbs
5 second hold on each rep
Need to go reread the article on these

3x8 - 10lbs on face
Much harder than last week

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