Monday, October 10, 2011

2011-10-10 Volume

(first one on a virtually carb-free dietary approach, though I definitely need to get more meat because I was hungry going into this)

Warmup - As usual

Squat: 45, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275
335lbs - 5x5
Can't tell if this was harder than last week at the beginning.
Was pretty tame by the end tbqh. I think part of the issue was mental.
I assume that my body not being used to making glycogen the long way probably didn't help.

77.5lbs - 5x5
Shorter rest times this time
Making a point of keeping my wrists extended.

+12.5lbs - 3x8
Form was off somewhat on the last few. Will increase by 1.25lbs next time instead of 2.5.

Rehab -
DB Protractions - 3x12, 10lbs
DB Retractions - 3x12, 10lbs
Posterior Capsule Stretch - 3x15 oscillations
Prone Internal Rotation - 3x12, 5-second holds w/ no weight

Done as a circuit.

Not sure if I should bother doing my left shoulder.

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