Thursday, October 27, 2011


Just read this:

Considering modifications...

First one is a dramatic increase in ab work (Rollouts Monday and Friday, Farmer Holds on Tuesday)
Another thing I've been considering is doing GHR between my Volume Squats and Volume Bench/Press, since my quads feel like hell after I squat and there's no way in fuck I can do either movement properly until the cessation of that sensation. This MAY be the result of not eating enough carbs - I may try carbing up this Sunday and seeing how Monday feels.

That said, I'm also considering switching Rows and GHR (Rows on Monday and GHR Tuesday to give my lats some more recovery time). Iono. Depends partly on whether or not my Texas Power Bar has shipped by tomorrow; if it hasn't I may just cancel the order and keep going in on Tuesdays.

Also, find the easter egg.

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