Sunday, April 5, 2015

Revised Program

After yesterday's exhaustion session, it seems kind of superfluous to go through the effort of setting up to row (at least for now). Oly's a lot of fun, suitable for a ton of volume, and a huge cardio hit with short rest periods.

Press (Saturday)
Press 5*3 (2.5lb increments)
LAPD 8*3-5
Curls 8ea*3-5

Squat (Sunday)
Squat 5*3 (5lb increments)
TGU 3ea*3-5
Pistol 5ea*3-5

Oly (Monday)
Snatch High Pull 2*5
Hang Snatch 2*5
Clean and Jerk

Bench (Tuesday)
Bench 5*3 (2.5lb increments)
LAPD 8*3-5
Curls 8ea*3-5

Deadlift (Wednesday)
Deadlift 5*3 (5lb increments)
TGU 3ea*3-5
KB Swing 10*3-5

Oly (Thursday)
Full Snatch 2*5
Clean High Pulls
Hang Clean

Pulldowns can go back into the lower body days once time permits (similar story with some kind of extra work on the upper days). For now it's about shrinking time down.

Monday, March 30, 2015

2015-03-30 Oly

Batwings - 5s*5
Diesel - 2.5s*3
Bridge - 5 (no band)
Snatch Drops - 65*5

Snatch Pulls -
These are kind of lacking for jumping and coordination. The earliest sets were pretty bad, but it got better as time went by.
30-second rests here. That was murder.

Hang Snatch -
75*2, 1, 2*3
These are probably getting better. Again, coordination and jumping is a huge factor (and kind of a problem). Still 30 seconds.

Clean and Jerk -
1-minute rests now. The 135s were supposed to be 125s, but suffered due to math errors. These might want to split out between Clean Pulls and Hang Clean and Jerk for a bit; the 135s were basically full cleans but probably lacking an explosive pull to finish the movement.

To be honest, this seems like a valid day to just replace conditioning. Tons of fun and a huge cardio hit once the rest periods are low enough.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

2015-03-29 Squat

Batwing - 8lbs*5
Diesel - 3lbs*3
Bridge - 5 (no band)
OHS - 5

Squat -
The shooting quad pain is coming back. Time to break out the rollers. There are also some side-to-side imbalances at the bottom, though that might be up to someone else to spot.
Closer grip on the final set with 200 actually made a pretty huge difference.

Pulldown -
This would probably be worth doing one more time.

Turkish Get-Up -
These are definitely getting more fun. Working on rolling onto the down arm to avoid setting off that side's QL; probably time for a massage. Repeat for more sets next time.

Pistol -
"My balance muscle seems to be exhausted."

Couch Stretch -
First Position * 2m/side

Thursday, March 26, 2015

2015-03-26 Deadlift

Diesel - 2.5s*3
Bat Wings - 5lbs*5
Bridge - 5 close, 5 wide

Deadlift -
These are getting better; the weights felt heavy (probably from grip issues yesterday) but moved pretty fast.

Lat Activation Pulldown -
Varying speeds and degrees of separation between phases here. I might be getting impatient on weight increases here.

Kettlebell Swing -
Last set got to a reasonable level of difficulty. 20 reps or sets to failure might be better here.

Turkish Get-Up -
Heavier weights and lower reps are definitely more fun. The shoulder stability technique is getting easier too, so things are pretty nice. 5 sets with rests seems like a good way to go.

2015-03-25 Bench

Diesel - 2.5s*3
Bat Wings - 5lbs*5
Bridge - Close*5, Wide*5
Push-Up - 10*2

Bench Press -
Having trouble keeping the right scapula locked down. Pulling the bar apart helps a lot with the flare Nuckols talked about recently, but the stability problem's still there. Not clear if it's the Olympic work or the get-ups.

Alternating DB Curl -
Bicep asymmetry is really coming out - the right side got hit way harder by these. Time to take the weight up, though.

Lat Activation Pulldown -
There's a way stronger pulling sensation on the right, and it's hard to say what's causing it. It's probably time to start lat rolling again.

Hard-Style Plank - 10/10*8, 2
TRX Row - 8*3
Power Pull - 8*3
Farmer Carry - 30lbs*4, 20lbs*6, 20lbs*8

For the planks, it's getting close to time to drop the rest periods or increase the hold length. Rows were ok; I focused mostly on maintaining neutral thoracic (which might have slipped into extension - something to watch for). Same story with the power pulls, but even harder there - something's definitely thrown the shoulder off. Farmer Carries with 30 set off some pain, so 20lbs again for now. Those are a pretty obvious cause of the deadlift issue, though - it's a huge hit on my grip.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2015-03-23 Olympic

Diesel - 2.5s*3
Bat Wings - 5lbs*5 (squeeze those lats, bro)
Banded Bridge - Green*5*Close, Wide
Snatch Drop - 65lbs*5

Snatch Pull -
65*2 - Smacked myself in the balls
Really need to work on these; time to watch some Olympic videos. The big thing right now seems to be slow first pull and very rapid jump-shrug.
Looking at Lu Xiaojun, he's starting very low (below parallel) with a wide, outside-shoulder stance. Hips rise fast to keep his shoulders forward and over the bar with shins vertical; back angle relative to the floor stays approximately the same. Bar passes knees and knees slide forward, hips start to extend, bar hits the "power point," hips fully extend and the shrug starts. Once the bar's moving freely, drops slightly back, down, then slightly forward to catch it. Video's still important but I guess there's a decent outline right there. Also found another video that might offer some instructive points.

Hang Snatch -
These are getting a little better, though keeping elbows out is a bit weird because the rotation flips at the catch.
Then came up again, and it turns out elbows should be externally rotated at the top the way though with shoulders shrugged up. Wonderful, I was doing it right to begin with.
That said, without the snatch pulls it's going to be hard to integrate this properly. Side videos will be important. These are a great trap hit, though they're also hurting my hands somewhat. Straps seem stupid right now though - strapping 70lbs?

Clean and Two Jerks -
The bar's probably too close to my body; it'd be best to pull it from further away and then blast it up once it crosses the knee.
Again, Lu starts below parallel, but with a very slightly closer stance? Hips rise so the bar stays clear, but now they're rising faster than shoulders until about 2/3 of the way up the shins (vertical) and then extends a little at the hip. Pushes knees forward once it's passed, then drags bar up the thighs to the power point. Jump-shrug, then closes with the bar and flips under into position.
During the jerk the bar actually doesn't change position much. Dip, drive, and then just drop the second it passes his forehead - at that point it actually doesn't change position until his elbows lock and it starts dropping with him.

Thinking in future it'd be better to do 2 Cleans 1 Jerk and then 1 Clean 2 Jerks; one for heavier technique practice and the other for jerk volume.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

2015-03-22 Squat

Diesel - 2.5s*3
Bat Wings - 5lbs*5
Banded Bridge - Green*5 wide, 5 close
Overhead Squat - 45*5 (Vans)

May be best to do 2 sets of OHS and add weight to the second one.

High-Bar Squat:
Cues are pretty vital here; weight on heels, spread the floor, screw feet in, break at the knees. I'm using a full grip for now since high-bar isn't that stressful.
Only 2 minutes between sets for the 190.

Lat Activation Pull-Down:
Right shoulder started losing it on the second set. Third wasn't that much better, but it worked ok.

Turkish Get-Up:
No rest. Mother fucker.
Again, shoulder stabilizers starting to give out. Main takeaway here is to keep practicing bracing position, possibly reset it between sets just in case, and really focus on shoulder and scapular position.

Toes up, externally rotate opposite femur. The position here is getting easier so, but the weight's staying at 5 until I can do them as straight, fast sets of 5.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

2015-03-21 Press

Diesel - 2.5s
Bat Wings - 5s
Band Bridges - 5 close stance, 5 wide stance
Push-Ups - 10x2

This works pretty well. They've also got the earthquake bar for pressing-type movements.

Press -
Right shoulder still felt a bit off.

Alt DB -
Switch to 15lbs once 5 sets is pretty doable. 1 minute between sets here. Ideally this would be 15lb kettlebells just to make the rotation easier, but the gym might not have them.

Still with the 3-parter. 80 was drastically harder than 75.

HS Plank - 10/10*10 (with the extra rest) - move the rest to after the 6th
TRX Row - 8*3
Power Pull - 8ea*3 - right is drastically weaker, and this is clearly an important exercise
Farmer Carry - 20lbs/hand * 6 lengths * 3 - Last might have been 4

Thursday, March 19, 2015

2015-03-19 Deadlift

Diesel - 2.5s, on an incline bench. Still struggling with getting full shoulder extension.
Banded Bridge - 5 knees medium, 5 knees wide
Overhead Squat - 5, elbows internally rotated. This actually did make it feel a lot more stable.

Deadlift -
Working on lat engagement for these. Still feeling heavy, still have to hook grip.

These may be interfering with the shoulder recovery now. They seem to work better when you do each part individually, though - first flare lats, then pull shoulder blades down, then pull elbows down.

These still take way too long. May actually be best to do 5 sets of 3 alternating sides.
Also important to keep shoulders packed down.

GHR relies on a piece of equipment other people use, and it may be preferable to just do kettlebell swings the way Emevas does. I'll figure it out later.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

2015-03-18 Bench

Diesel (no bench - go check out the other ones in future) - 2.5s
Bat Wings - 5lbs*5 (really trying to pack the shoulder and pull my elbows back and in)
Push-Ups - 10*2
The push-ups don't irritate my shoulder or my elbow as long as I pull "down" like with the hard-style planks.

Bench -
These felt like crap until 135; after that they were basically high-quality reps, but a little lacking on lat activation. They're better than they were for most of the last 7 years though.
Taking down to like 115 for next time though, and upping by 2.5.

Used the double-cable station. Probably a good choice.
Did these before curls. Probably a bad choice.

Alt Rotating DB -
Third set was 6+2 with a 3-breath RP. The problem here was doing the pulldowns first.

HS Plank - All 10, though no lat sensation after the 6-7 and lots of sliding around
Bat Wings - 5lb*5*2

Monday, March 16, 2015

2015-03-16 Oly

Diesel - 2.5s (on incline)
Bridges - 5 (no band still)

Realized on reflection that doing overhead squats to warm up for snatches makes very little sense. In future I'll do snatch drops.

Hang Snatch -
Working on the hip bump and external elbow flare. My technique is "probably" atrocious.
May want to do this as a snatch pull plus two hangs in future.

Clean and 2 Jerks -
Not totally sold on this right now, but I'd rather double the jerks (main benefit to doing these) than ingrain a worse clean pattern. Maybe once I've actually learned how to properly clean.

Skipped prehab to talk to a guy pulling 405 right next to me. Reminded me a lot of Jonathan, will add on facebook if I bump into him again. He's actually coming to SF for a CS internship this summer too, which is kinda funny.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

2015-03-15 Squat

Diesel - 2.5s (on an incline bench)
Bat Wing - 5s
Bridges - 5

Did the wrong one by accident but whatever. Still no bands so can't hit hips with the bridges properly. Might actually just include batwings every day and just customize the push-ups and overhead squats.

Squat -
Controlling rest periods. These were...ok. Still reclaiming old strength.

Working on the feeling of recruitment/cadence here.

Turkish Get-Up -
These take a very long time per rep (especially if you do the full negative). It might be worth switching hands between reps, or possibly sticking with full sides and just alternating with no rest. Right now 5 reps takes way too long (like 90 seconds per side).

Pistol -
5lbs*3l(+2 unweighted)/5r
Adding weight actually does a lot to help here. As always, the adjustment comes from trying to maintain a good ankle position.

Oly day tomorrow. This'll be interesting.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

2015-03-14 Press

Sweet jesus.

Diesel - 2.5s (start doing on a bench)
Bat Wings - 5x5
Push-Ups - 10x2
Start doing all this over by the dumbbells.

Press -

Alternating DB Curl -
Nerve flossing right afterwards

Slowing down and trying to feel the scapular movement. I may need to do some work to reactivate the scaps actually.

Prehab -
8x10/10 HSPlanks
8lb*5*3 batwings, 30 seconds rest
20lb farmer carry, 3 trips, 6/4/6 (lengths of room)
Couldn't do the wall walks because the green band's missing.

They've got a nice set of kettlebells and TRX back there so most of the rehab exercises actually are doable on the spot (as are getups).

Friday, March 13, 2015

2015-03-13 Rowing

Warmup -
Diesel w/ 3lbs
Bat Wings w/ 5lbs

(Forgot to do the bridges)

Erg -
5m no straps, experimenting with technique
25m straps, average 2:45 pace
It seems like the movement here is to drive with your legs, then "brake" and finish the movement with your arms and back. The "Oar" isn't quite long enough for my arms. I'll explore the technique in more detail so I can get better. 2:45 was actually a fairly hard pace to maintain, so I may have to jump in only 5-second increments (possibly even less - 1 second per week would be weird as hell but seems like a strong option if it maintains shoulder health).

Thursday, March 12, 2015

2015-03-12 Deadlift

I'm back. I devoted the last ~7 months (after returning from China) to school and partying. That's mostly an excuse, though - I was at the RSF for 5 of out of 7 years of lifting, and the real issue is probably just that I don't like being away from everyone there (except Wynnie, because serious mental problems).

Warmup - Diesel and Bridges. Next time add bands to the bridges and overhead squats. Possibly bat wings.

Deadlift -
135x5x2 (should be x10)
230x5x3 (hook grip 2nd and 3rd; 3min rest)
These are embarrassingly hard. I've lost a lot of grip strength and abdominal engagement.
Round plates are fun but the trick from the RSF might still be better for staying tight - fully deloading each rep doesn't really train you to stay as tight.

My lats aren't engaging as well here; time to read the article again.

2, 4, 5
Calf tightness is back and fucking with my knees. 2 minutes between sets to stretch, damn.

(at home):

Turkish Get-Up:
1x3x3 (each)
(While watching instructional videos)
(Done with the thicker Battlestar attachment for reference)